Saturday, February 24, 2024

Don't submit to crime of 'gun control'

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for January 21, 2024)

Most politicians remind me of bungling bank robbers who get foiled in their clownish attempts to rob a bank. Rather than being sorry or changing their ways, they decide they'll rob two banks tomorrow.

Instead of robbing banks, though, they keep committing the greater crime of "gun control".

New Mexico's governor Michelle Lujan Grisham seems to want to be on the Most Wanted list for gun law criminals, right up there with the worst dictators in history.

On one hand, how embarrassing for anyone to support such a politician! On the other hand, I prefer when people tell you who they are and what they are plotting to do to you. It's why freedom of speech is non-negotiable. Leave bad people free to incriminate themselves. It's better than a sneak attack by someone you thought was a decent person.

The stack of anti-gun rules perpetually on the agenda-- dishonestly labeled "gun safety laws" today-- always makes things worse. People who won't hesitate to murder anyone who stands in their way aren't going to let another slew of silly laws stop them. Believing it would make a positive difference is a political hallucination which tells more about the believer's mind than about the real world.

People understand this until it comes to politics, then they shut off their brains and parrot the party line.

What about "crime" and "gun violence"?

Crime's solution is known: don't get in the way of anyone trying to defend themselves from those violating their life, liberty, or property. Anything else helps the criminals.

"Gun violence" is a lie; a false distinction crafted by political criminals for the purpose of enslaving you. If they can use manufactured fear to control you-- to rob you of your self-ownership-- that's what they'll do. It's not somehow worse to be harmed by a bad guy using a gun than by a bad guy using a fist, a brick, a car, or a law. Only a political liar would want you to believe otherwise.

No one ever calls for you to be disarmed (or inadequately armed) for your benefit. If you believe their lies to the contrary, you've given yourself over to the enemy. The only reason anyone wants you disarmed is so they can do things to you which you wouldn't allow if you were armed. It's your warning a crime is being planned, and you're the intended victim. Don't go along.

Liberty is the greater good!
If you want to support what I do, you will. If not, you won't.
Thank you.

Also this or this


  1. Excellent advice that can’t be repeated often enough.

    “A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime; whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, or by millions calling themselves a government.”
    --- Lysander Spooner

    "To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the law abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless."
    — Lysander Spooner

    1. I also find it informative how much more seriously The State takes violating one of its paperwork "violations" of anti-gun rules than most actual crimes.

    2. Under the power and control concept of ‘law & order’, ‘law’ is only a tool used against that which the State dislikes, and only when done by someone unaffiliated with the State. It has little to do with actual crimes and virtually nothing to do with the pursuit of justice.
