Thursday, October 12, 2023

War is crime

I oppose war. 

I support the natural human right of defense. 

If a government military is involved, it's not defense. Same thing if a quasi-government-like military is involved. 

If your forces are going into other people's towns, neighborhoods, and homes, to kill them and destroy things, you are not a good guy. You are doing things you don't have a right to do. The residents there have the fundamental human right to kill you in the act, no matter how evil they might otherwise be in other situations.

I get that you may be doing this in response to others doing things they had no right to do. Two wrongs don't make a right. It looks more like revenge-- "punishment"-- and I consider revenge to always be wrong (even though I totally understand the drive).

I'm no pacifist. Not even close. If you're familiar with this blog, you already know that.

There's an ethical way to respond to archators-- see the above about the natural human right of defense.

I know this opinion is about as popular as a scared, leaky skunk in an elevator. If opposing war gets me "canceled", it's worth it.

This blog is my job. You get to decide if I get paid. 
Please consider it.
Thank you.


  1. I'm guessing that this is a continuation of the "Large scale archation" posting.

    First, I hope you don't get cancelled. You have just as much right to your viewpoint as anyone who has another view. I rather like your blog, even when I don't agree with it.

    About Hamas, what they did was not war, it was mass murder and rape. They didn't engage with Israeli soldiers. The images of wheelchair-confined elders being taken hostage was shown on every news network, even the Arabic networks. Members of Hamas actually filmed themselves violating Israeli women and parading them naked in public to cheering crowds. Did the Nazis do that? Then they scampered away and are using hostages and civilians as human shields.

    I don't like war either, but what else can the Israelis do?

    1. Armed self-defense, in spite of government's rules, is always within everyone's rights. That's also not war-- it is defense. I think armed defenders-- the whole population-- should have mowed down every single one of them as they came down the streets.

      The Israeli government made it "illegal" for the average residents to be properly prepared to defeat invaders. Even knowing the risk was there. That's innocent blood on their hands. Now, by their actions, they are guaranteeing Hamas will seek revenge again. Even if (or especially if) they manage to wipe out every member or sympathizer of Hamas, they'll inspire revenge among other similar groups. This is what governments do: they make the people less safe, and they don't accept blame for doing so.

      Also, I don't automatically believe the news. It always lies to sell a narrative.

      But I'm not doubting those Hamas people did things that were unspeakably evil, and will continue to do things worse than I could even dream up. It's what politics does to people-- yes, that is politics in action. It is all based upon "the political means". It's only a matter of degree. Once you accept it is OK to initiate force and/or to violate property, you'll do however much of it you feel you "need" to in order to get what you want. There's no end.

      I saw a video today warning to not think of these people as "terrorists" because they were acting as soldiers act in war. Now you're saying they aren't engaging in war because they are murdering and raping; things soldiers do in war. I think it's semantics. As I said before, if you go onto someone else's property, and destroy, murder, rape, kidnap, or whatever, it doesn't matter what anyone calls you. You need to be shot. That goes for all sides who do any or all of those things. Including if you do it because "They did it first", which in this example is very short-sighted. Both sides (mainly the governing individuals and those they "inspire") have acted barbarically toward the other for millennia.

      I don't believe Hamas members are good people. Not even a little. But I can see the point of their grievances. By pretending they don't have legitimate grievances only makes the situation continue. As it has been for thousands of years, it will continue to be for thousands of years to come. Because everyone has to try to hurt the other side more than they've been hurt.

      I hurt for the innocent individuals sacrificed to this stupid and evil clash of governments. Statism is truly barbarous.
