Saturday, September 02, 2023

The solution is known

The solution to every issue under the Sun is to get politics-- government-- out of the way. Completely.

As L. Neil Smith used to say, crime is a solved problem. Government just doesn't want to let it be solved. Government relies on problems; it has no incentive to fix anything (other than elections and trials, I mean).

Get rid of legislation, then stop preventing people from defending themselves-- their life, liberty, and property-- from all violators, foreign and (the source of the real threats) domestic.

If you want to keep the problems around and make them worse, then keep throwing legislation at them. That will be the result.

People who propose political/governmental/legislative "solutions" take themselves very seriously. They hope you mistake them for "the adults in the room" just like they envision themselves to be.

They don’t want, and will not accept or truly consider, any solution unless it is a government “solution”.

They are the most foolish, misguided people in society. I simply can't see them as credible anymore. They are spoiled toddlers-- hopped up on "authority"... with weapons. 

They'll dream up every insane "what if" they think might fool you into giving them power. And many, maybe most, people will be fooled. That's how we got where we are.

It's time to reverse the trend. It's time to treat the enemies of individual liberty as exactly what they are, and NOT as sensible, reasonable people who simply have different values.


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