Saturday, August 12, 2023

Vipers among us

First, a little ad to pay the bills-- I really need an infusion of money for some unexpected expenses (including car repairs), on top of the expected ones. PayPal and Venmo are faster, so that would be preferable. Thank you, and onward to the content
What's so bad about government supremacists and other statists?


Government supremacists constantly say "our" (democracy, elections, borders, president, government, laws. etc.) when talking about things I am not responsible for and want no share of the blame in. They are collectivists in the worst way possible.

Government supremacists worry endlessly about what is "legal". They confuse "legal" for what's right.

Government supremacists pretend that government has rights and political "authority". This means they don't understand rights or authority-- not even a little.

Government supremacists won't recognize that politicians are always the ones throwing the first punch by being a politician; by governing and imposing legislation. Anything a resident does to a politician is self-defensive. John Wilkes Booth was right. If politicians don't like this they always have the option to stop being the bad guy and quit politics. But then who would government supremacists have to worship?

No matter how seriously they take themselves and the spoiled toddlers' game they play, government supremacists are buffoons. Just know they'll act as it is their nature to act, don't trust them to respect your rights, and keep them at arm's length so you don't get bitten by their venomous cult.
Thank you!


  1. Booth wasn't in immediate peril when he killed Lincoln. His was not a defensive act, but one of revenge.

    1. "Booth wasn't in immediate peril"... Are you sure about that? Had Lincoln stopped wielding political power that would negatively affect JWB's life, liberty, or property? If so, I've never heard of that happening. Were Lincoln's policies not negatively affecting JWB at that very moment?

      Revenge is when you punish someone for something they did in the past; something that's over and done, even if the pain remains. Lincoln was still governing in the present. He was still a clear and present danger to everyone. By staying in office he was showing he planned to continue violating the life, liberty, and property of everyone under his power.

      I don't believe you "should" kill politicians. It's pointless to kill a politician because that politician will simply be replaced by another in the same office. It makes very little difference which politician is in office at the moment. (Most people are unable to recognize this reality, even today-- thus election drama.) You've got to eliminate the office and you can't do that with a bullet. The power is so seductive to politically inclined people that a few dead predecessors isn't likely to discourage enough of them to not seek the job to make the office go away. So I don't think it's worth it to kill politicians.

    2. “You've got to eliminate the office and you can't do that with a bullet.”

      Precisely. It was this realization that finally convinced me of the necessity of anarchy and that it cannot be attained; or more pertinently, permanently realized, by mere violence against the current functionaries of the State.
