Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Anti-education from schools

Mark Twain once said, If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.”

I updated that to: If you don't watch "the news" you might be uninformed. If you do watch "the news" you will be misinformed.

It's time for an expansion covering what goes on in "public" schools. If you don’t attend school you might be uneducated. If you do, you will be miseducated. You will be indoctrinated into believing falsehoods.

The historically Pignorant "teacher" in Colorado who kept insisting the Gadsden flag was supportive of slavery is just one example. What other lies is she repeating to the inmates under her thumb? How are her lies helping these kids? Would they really be worse off doing anything other than sitting in that school?

Update-- I've seen reports the school has backed down. But what other crap are they shoveling into those kids' heads that hasn't been exposed?


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  1. “But what other crap are they shoveling into those kids' heads….”

    Exactly. This particular kid is probably intelligent enough to recognize a lot of the other ‘crap’ he is being indoctrinated with and rejecting it. But why must he be forced to winnow through the voluminous propaganda for the infrequent kernels of truth that haven’t been altered yet when he should be freed to pursue the truth on his own initiative absent this coerced sentence in these union/government re-education camps? End legally compulsory attendance and bar the State from ANY involvement with real “education”!

    1. I don't think the State has *ever* had any involvement with real education.
      And I come from a family of gov-school "teachers" and administrators. My views on education and what the State does instead are not popular with the relatives (even if the retired ones quietly agree).

    2. When I alluded to ANY involvement in real education I was referring to the negative ways it interferes such as regulations relating to home schooling and the robberies to fund public schools that diminish the resources available to parents and students to fund their independent education efforts.

    3. That would be great.
      Just another part of an essential separation of life and State.
