Saturday, July 15, 2023

Be yourself, but the GOOD version of yourself

I'm really good at letting people be themselves. With one exception: If "being themselves" includes controlling others— bullying— I'm not good at letting them do that without fighting back. Nor should anyone be.

If "yourself" wants to manifest by robbing, governing, censoring, attacking, enslaving, disarming, or otherwise controlling others— being a bully— that's not something I'll accept. I'll stand up for myself and I'll stand up for your other victims. People have the right to be who they are, but there is no right to use "who you are" as an excuse to archate.

You be you, but don't impose yourself and your will on others. Let others be themselves. Don't try to stop me from being me and I'll give you the same room in which to live your unique life.

I might still laugh at some people if I find them ridiculous-- just like some people laugh at me, and have done so all my life. It doesn't hurt me. We can all laugh at each others' silliness together-- and could even bond over it if you don't let your ego get in the way. 

I've had good friendships start with someone laughing at me, and then getting to know me. Whatever works. Right?

Thank you!

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