Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Bud Light silliness

The Bud Light manufactured controversy is something I can't seem to care much about. Mostly, it seems slightly amusing.

I don't drink beer and I find Dylan rather silly. Dylan's more like a clown than a serious threat. Although I can understand why some might disagree, I think they are giving him more credit than he is due. I don't feel threatened in the least.

He's an adult, and I doubt many people look at him and say to themselves "Oh! I want to be just like him!", and those who do would probably find inspiration somewhere no matter what. At least he's not as evil-clown-scary as those government libraries seek out to read to little kids.

Kids and teens are particularly gullible to manipulation and brainwashing, but I worry more about their "idols" who take themselves seriously and engage in bullying. Or worse.

I don't really believe anyone thinks of Dylan as a girl or woman. I doubt he even thinks of himself this way in his innermost thoughts, although there's no way I could know. Not that it matters one way or the other.

Fame is fleeting. He's found a niche and he's using it to his advantage while he can. Whatever works. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

I just see him as a comedy act. Comedy is subjective. His style of comedy isn't really my thing, but if someone enjoys it, it's not my problem.

Help me cover the expense of the surgery. Help however you can. Thank you!


  1. Contraversy/division is now the government media's only game. They serve no other purpose.

    1. Thus their advocacy of a government monopoly on effective weapons.

  2. I hope the trans police don't read this. You have misgendered Dylan by using incorrect pronouns. Dylan is probably in tears and suffering great trauma over this right now. The funniest thing about Dylan is back when "she" was a "he," she played a Mormon man.

    1. "Misgender" is the w0ke way of saying "correctly identify". I am sure he's used to it and my opinion wouldn't even register with him. That's as it should be.
      That interview was weird, in more ways than one. Amusing reading.

  3. I'll say it out loud, Dylan Mulvaney is not and never will be a woman, just a caricature of a woman. Otherwise, I don't drink Bud Light and this has no affect on me. But I do wonder how this makes the U.S. look overseas.

    1. Yep. Not that I care how the U.S. looks overseas. That's the same argument the anti-gun bigots use to try to shame me into accepting gun bans. It has no effect on me.
