Friday, August 19, 2022

Random thoughts

  • I don't like "Second Amendment rights". The phrase, I mean. It's misleading. The right to own and to carry weapons doesn't come from the Second Amendment, but pre-exists it. The right will still exist even if the Second Amendment is abolished or ignored. 
  • I really hope Joe Biden-- or his rigid corpse-- runs for president again. It would be hilarious. It's not as if any other candidate would actually be good for liberty, so you might as well go with the funniest one.

  • Just because you support someone doesn't mean they are on your side. It may mean they have you fooled and are working against you while you fawn over them.


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  1. I prefer to use "the right of self-defense" for that reason. Far too many Americans think the Constitution *gives* us our rights, which is the vile spin government "schools" promote.

    I'm kind of hoping for a Trump vs. Biden rematch. It should be hysterical.

    It took me far longer than I care to admit to learn your final point, Kent. It wasn't until after the so-called "Republican Revolution" of 1994, when - thanks to the emerging Internet - I finally realized what they were actually doing as compared to the rhetoric. "Small government", my ass!
