Thursday, June 02, 2022

It's heading right for us

It looks like hard times are coming. And I don't only mean hard economic times. It looks like full-blown tyranny, in the form of anti-gun rules and other things, is on its way. The political criminals-- those terrorists in Congress and elsewhere-- feel emboldened by the acts of some of their soulmates.

They can't stop the signal, but they can kill a lot of the messengers. Remember what happened to Mr. Universe.

Which brings a question to mind.

What's the best way to deal with what's coming? Stand and resist, or hunker down and weather the storm? 

I wish I knew the answer. 

Maybe the answer depends on each individual's situation and temperament.

I'm not going to criticize either choice today. I don't know which choice is right, smart, or... better. I don't know which choice will save liberty for a brighter day sometime in the future. Do you?


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  1. Kent, stuff like this has been on my mind a lot lately. All I've sussed out: I won't fight to replace the old guard with a new one. Many of the folks I read on-line, and have some association with in RL, are gung-ho, and ready to go. And, honestly, they scare me about as much as the current crop of would-be, wanna-be slavers do. They're all about the life, liberty, and property, but only as seen thru a 'conservative' or conventional 'christian' lens. Me, a deist and natural rights libertarian/anarchist: nobody wants to hear what I gotta say. So: I'll do what I've always low...stay quiet (in RL, at least)...prepare....say 'no' (in action, cuz words really don't mean diddly) and, for now, go about my business. I'll fight along aside anyone to preserve freedom, but I won't turn around, after the fightin' is done, and hand me and mine over to the 'new boss'. -Henry Quirk

    1. Sounds like you're full of good sense. Thanks for weighing in!

  2. “Stand and resist, or hunker down and weather the storm?”

    Both. Do the later while it is an option and when it no longer is, do the former; live and die free.
    I think that tyranny has always been the norm from any group collective and that freedom has never been anything but a transient aberration within any group when the individuals practicing and living it have, for a time, influenced the herd before the pendulum inevitably swings back to its usual rest point where the safety and security of dependency and subservience prevail again to spare them the risk and fright of liberty and its attendant personal responsibility.

    “What the common man longs for in this world, before and above all his other longings, is the simplest and most ignominious sort of peace- the peace of a trusty in a well-managed penitentiary. He is willing to sacrifice everything else to it. He puts it above his dignity and he puts it above his pride. Above all, he puts it above his liberty. The Fact, perhaps, explains his veneration for policemen, in all the forms they take- his belief that there is a mysterious sanctity in law, however absurd it may be in fact. A policeman is a charlatan who offers, in return for obedience, to protect him (a) from his superiors, (b) from his equals, and (c) from himself. This last service, under democracy, is commonly the most esteemed of them all. In the United States, at least theoretically, it is the only thing that keeps ice-wagon drivers, Y.M.C.A. secretaries, insurance collectors, and other such human camels from smoking opium, ruining themselves in the night clubs, and going to Palm Beach with Follies girls. It is a democratic invention. Here, though the common man is deceived, he starts from a sound premise: to wit, that liberty is something too hot for his hands- or, as Nietzsche put it, too cold for his spine.”
    ---H.L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy

    1. I wish I could find a way those "human camels" and I could coexist. They can be the pampered pets they want to be as long as they stop bothering me over my liberty.

  3. My response, from elsewhere, to a Brit...

    [quote]America has completely lost the plot.[/quote]

    Indeed we have. We lost it when, among other things, we were hoodwinked into believin' legislators, bureaucrats, and other such examples of the [i]finer clay[/i] were as invested in preservin' our lives, liberties, and properties as we are. We lost the plot when we willingly turned ourselves over to these parasites, these flim-flam men, these snake oil salesmen, these would-be slavers.

    Look at us now: fat, weak, and too scared to tell our [i]employees[/i]: [i]no, that's enough, no more[/i].

    Even as our [i]public servants[/i] overtly fail -- to preserve us, to represent us, to even listen to us -- we grumble and gripe but still continue to shuffle down the chute [i]they[/i] built to corral [i]us[/i] into the abattoir.

    We're mooks: we deserve what's comin'.

    Even so: the fat chick ain't sung yet.

    America ain't some pissy lil island you can drive across in a day. It's [b]BIG[/b] and once was unruly. It can be unruly again. And its people, diminished as they are, still have sumthin' of yesterday's fire in their bones. [i]They[/i] overplayed their hand, overstepped too openly, and, becuz of that [i]we[/i] are trimmin' down, movin' iron, and musterin' our courage. We're, rightfully, beginnin' to see the first three boxes as the waste of time they currently are, and, slowly, tentatively, we're gettin' comfortable with, [i]reacquainting[/i] ourselves with, the possibility the fourth box damn well might need openin'. We're beginnin' to remember that these monkeys on our backs are there solely becuz we consent to it and where consent is given, consent can be [i]aggressively[/i] withdraw.

    So: yeah, America has lost the plot...but not completely...not irrevocably.

    1. That's from me, btw: Henry Quirk

    2. Nice! I wonder if he fainted after reading that. LOL
