Friday, January 21, 2022

The progression of my symptoms

Just in case anyone is curious, here is how my symptoms progressed over the course of this illness:

The first 28 or so hours after I knew I was getting sick (beginning Saturday mid-afternoon), I just felt a general lack of energy and increasing muscle aches. 

A little over a day later (Sunday evening), the fever hit (somewhere just above 101° F, according to a crappy digital thermometer). I got a terrible headache and chills. I was shaking so hard from the chills I thought I was going to throw up. I wasn't nauseated; my abdominal muscles were just shaking so hard I thought it was going to force everything out of my stomach. I had a hard time even walking. I went to bed.

The next morning (Monday) I was back to feeling like I had before the fever hit, which I considered a huge improvement. I never took my temperature again, but if I had a fever after that, it wasn't high enough to really notice. 

The next couple of days I had headaches, coughing (with mucus), sharp little muscle pains (like being poked with pins, mostly in my thighs), transient stabbing stomach pains, mild dizziness, and lack of energy. 

Every morning since Tuesday I have pain in my lungs that fades after I get moving. It feels as though my lungs are sticking to the inside of my ribs. That's an odd symptom I've never had from anything else before.

The only loss of taste I have experienced has been similar to how nothing tastes good any time I'm sick, so that's not important. 
I never had any nasal problems like a runny nose, stuffy nose, or sneezing, which to me is the worst part of a cold.

I now feel mostly OK. Just mild tiredness and a very mild headache. The cough is still there, but getting less annoying. I doubt I would let this keep me from doing anything I was planning to do at this point.

UPDATE 1-30-2022: I still feel fine, other than the cough that just won't go away.

UPDATE 2-7-2022: The cough is slowly fading with time. It isn't really bothering me anymore, though. I consider it finished.

And, that's the symptom report. Just the facts, no speculation. If you have a question I didn't answer, ask in a comment and I'll answer it above.
I make no claim that I know it is Covid, or that Covid exists, or whether, if it exists, it is natural or synthetic or where it came from. 

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1 comment:

  1. Your experience suggests that while the overall story is certainly fiction (there is no plague and never was; 99% recover) the existence of a new bug may be real.

    Then the question is: was its emergence natural, or man-made?

    If it was natural, some lab somewhere would have gone about the normal business of isolating the virus and submitting it to the four tests devised by Robert Koch.

    But that's not been done, in two years. Therefore someone made it, on purpose. Given his evil track record on AIDS during the last four decades, Anthony Fauci is for sure a person of interest.
