Monday, April 05, 2021

Where property rights begin

Since the subject has been brought up again...

1- Things you might possess while in my house-- at my invitation-- that are none of my business unless you choose to make them so (regardless of whether or not I would approve of them if I knew they were there):

  • Bad unspoken thoughts.
  • Your pink thong underwear hidden beneath your pants.
  • The tattoo on your upper back, under your shirt, praising Satan or Jesus.
  • Your pocket Mein Kampf, Communist Manifesto, or US Constitution that stays in your pocket.
  • A non-contagious medical condition (broken rib, pacemaker, colostomy, etc.).
  • A baggie of weed in your back pocket.
  • Etc.

2- Things you might possess while in my house-- at my invitation-- that are my business (separate from the issue of whether or not I approve of them):

  • A sermon you feel the need to preach in my living room.
  • An Antifa shirt.
  • An unshielded vial of plutonium.
  • A parrot or monkey on your shoulder. 
  • A contagious disease.
  • The Cannabis you are currently smoking.
  • Etc.

Your bodily autonomy-- no matter where you stand-- is the beginning of property rights, but not necessarily the end. Hopefully, your property rights don't end there, but for some people, they do. These are the only property rights everyone has in absolutely equal measure. As with all other rights, they will either be respected or violated.

Sure, it is a bubble, but it is no more "magic" than the bubble of property rights surrounding your home and land or your private business. To seek to violate this right, on any pretext, is to enslave someone-- as happens to prisoners in government custody. Without these rights, there would be no such thing as "property rights" of any sort to be respected or violated.

You are perfectly within your rights to refuse access to your property if you can't respect the equal and identical rights of those you invite onto it to be secure and whole in their person.

If I invite you onto my property, I invite you with all your rights completely intact, no exceptions. No matter how many people disagree.

I'm not looking for approval or agreement; just explaining my view of the subject. Your view may, obviously, differ.


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  1. Setting ANY condition for use of your property is not a "violation" of anyone else's rights. They're free to not use your property.

    Using your property in violation of your conditions is trespassing, i.e. theft of the use of your property.

    There is no "bubble" which magically makes using someone else's property yours if you don't like the conditions they've set.

  2. “You are perfectly within your rights to refuse access to your property if you can't respect the equal and identical rights of those you invite onto it to be secure and whole in their person.”

    This is the acknowledgement of what used to be the generally and widely accepted right of free association.

    “If I invite you onto my property, I invite you with all your rights completely intact, no exceptions. No matter how many people disagree.”

    This is an honorable person’s acknowledgement of the inherent and inalienable natural birthrights of other human individuals, things that can no more be justly separated from their physical person than their arms or their head, if you invite the person in then you by default accept the whole being because the one necessarily includes the other.

    1. There is no "inherent and inalienable natural birthright" to use other people's property without their permission. Period.
