Those who want you to doubt that anarchy (self-ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking you to accept that theft, aggression, superstition, and slavery are better.
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Sunday, February 28, 2021
Can do without Biden's 'unity'
"Just test it small"
You can't just judge slavery and say it's bad. You need to test it in some limited way-- or region-- and see how it works out.
The same goes for genocide. It's small-minded to just come out against it until you test it and see if it's right for some state or city. You're just not a smart person if you automatically say it's wrong to commit genocide.
Sure, these things have been tested multiple times and found to be awful (maybe the tests were flawed), but this time might be different. Right...?
This is the government-supremacist justification for anti-gun legislation, for $15 per hour minimum wages and other government economic interference, and for climate legislation. Until you've tested every idea, how can you credibly criticize it? So why pretend you can just pre-judge those other things I listed at the beginning?
Because you're smarter than those who believe anyone has a right to test such things.
If a plan would violate the life, liberty, or property of any individual, it would be just as wrong to "test it small" as it would to impose it on the entire population of Earth. It doesn't matter whether it works. It doesn't matter if you really want to know how it would turn out. There are things no one has the right or the imaginary political "authority" to do. You don't need to test them to figure that out-- just have worthwhile ethics.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Politics destroys civility
Do people really have to wonder why politics divides people and makes them angry? I've explained it before, but I still see people who seem confused over the mechanism at work here.
How can they not understand? Or is it a matter of not understanding what they don't want to understand?
If you constantly call for government violence to be used against anyone who doesn't believe the same way you believe-- which is the nature of all politics-- you are dividing people. You are going to be making these other people angry. You are threatening them with deadly force-- threatening to take their life, liberty, and property, so what do you really expect?
You are showing yourself to be an anti-social simpleton who can't get along with others because of your desire to control them.
It doesn't matter if you imagine you are "right" or "left"-- government-supremacism is government-supremacism. Government can have no "rights" or imaginary political "authority" to do anything. Trying to cheat the system and act as though it does is going to make you the cause of division and anger. Every time.
If you're going to decry the lack of civility; the anger and division, with one breath, and then call for government violence to be used against other people with the next, I can't take your concern seriously... but I may still take your threats seriously.
Friday, February 26, 2021
In which I toy with an anonymous troll-wanna-be
A few days ago I got called a "Randbot" for saying "Government is garbage" in response to a post pointing out some horrible thing a government had done to a population.
The articulate argument against my point was "Not all government is garbage", and then he spent hours trying to find ways to insult me, saying I'm in the Trump cult and various other nonsensical things. Just totally off the rails, was he.
I pointed out that Rand was a government-supremacist who believed in the legitimacy of the "night watchman" government-- and that I don't. So he kept trying to move the goalposts to find an insult that would stick. He never succeeded.
I don't know who he thought he was trying to attack, but he was wrong.
It was kind of amusing seeing someone double down on being wrong and looking dumb over and over. I don't know if I've ever seen one person so dedicated to so many scattered positions, and all of them wrong. It was quite the spectacle.
He even said I probably see myself as a "patriot", just before he went off against guns. For some reason, he was very offended when I pointed out there's no such thing as "assault rifles". He said I should check a dictionary and didn't like it when I said that if a dictionary said an "assault rifle" is semi-auto and includes such firearms as the AR15, then the dictionary is wrong.
Oh, but he owns a gun he tells me! So he's an expert, doncha know!
I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that dictionaries can be wrong, since they often only tell you how words are used, not what they really mean.
One thing he kept harping on was that I had posted a link to one of my shirt designs, and he hated that I was using the internet to try to make money selling my "sh***y shirt designs". Trying to make money really triggers some people. I think there's a word for people who hate the market... He said I should be able to find a real job now that half a million people have died of... I mean with... The Corona, leaving jobs vacant. (I wonder how many of those who are said to have died with Covid actually had jobs.)
Anyway, I got busy with life and wasn't able to check back in for several hours to see what his next point was going to be, but when I was able to check in, he had faded off into the woodwork without another word. I was content to let him go.
It's a new month on the Time's Up flag sales.
I remind everyone that they'll stay available as long as I sell at least 2 per month.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Craft Holster IWB for a Sig P365-- review
The guys at Craft Holsters were nice enough to send me another holster to try out and review. This one is their IWB holster (again) for a Sig Sauer P365.
This time, it shipped FedEx. It arrived in just a few days and in perfect condition. That's always nice.
It is no longer top-heavy, no longer tips on my waistband, and no longer digs into my skin. So far, it works just as well as I had hoped. It's now perfect, as far as I can tell.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Poking Chinese dragons
The guy above posted this and I responded:
This guy...
... jumped in to boost his social credit score.
Oooh! Cultural appropriation! How horrible! You should never "pirate" anything you appreciate from other cultures. I'm sure he uses nothing "pirated" from European cultures.
(How much do you want to bet he's also Chinese government-- I mean, he has access to Twitter while the common people in China are banned from using it.)
Anyway, he had a couple of responses to me:
And also this:
Some "freedom"... He can join RuAdolf Giuliani in misdefining "freedom" to be something government-supremacists prefer.
I finished off with this (which I sort of copied from L. Neil Smith's takedown of Abe Lincoln):
Now, I don't give a flying hump about the evil government of Taiwan, however I wasn't replying to that government's tools, but to a tool of the Chinese government. And I do approve of secession. Always.
It's fun to aggravate governments. If something happens to me in the near future, the China government (or maybe their buddy in the White House) probably did it.
Monday, February 22, 2021
The rarest of events
There has been a shooting in a gun store. This is a rare event. Yet, there's no real reason it would be.
Even gun stores usually have policies against loaded guns in the store.
It makes sense in a way. In a gun store people are going to be handling firearms in all sorts of ways-- checking to see how they fit in their hands, how the sight picture looks, how the slide or cylinder feels, and things like that. Some may even attempt to dry fire. So, for the guns that are going to be handled to be loaded would be a recipe for disaster.
But for holstered guns...
Yes, the employees of gun stores are often (if not usually) armed. This just means any bad guy knows who to shoot first without having to scope out the situation too much. It wouldn't surprise me to learn store employees were the ones initially killed. (Reports are still fragmentary as I write this, with no real word on what actually happened.)
As always, it's better if the bad guys either know everyone is armed, or don't know who is. Because, once again, a policy will never stop a bad guy intent on killing people from ignoring a sign on a door and just going through with what he wants to do.
I'm glad there were other armed people inside the store who prevented more deaths by engaging (keeping him busy) and killing the bad guy. Sometimes the bad guy is just going to do what he's going to do and the best anyone can hope for is to drop him before he makes things worse.
Seriously, if a bad guy is going to start shooting (or stabbing, etc.) near me, I'd rather be in a gun store than just about anywhere else.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Government needs your compliance
Statists (unconsciously) admit statism is a failure
Statism "works" for a lot of people. They do well under it and may even like it. They don't care about their liberty or the liberty of others. Just as long as nothing changes too much and they have someone else to abdicate their responsibility to and blame when that doesn't work.
They are scared to try anything better because they fear they might lose what they already have. Humans generally fear loss more than they fear missing out on something better... sad, but true.
Statism doesn't work well for me. I don't thrive under it. I don't like it. I'm perfectly willing to try something that I think could be better-- even at the risk of it not being better, or ending up back at square-one. I understand the risks and I'm willing to take them.
Maybe I'm being selfish, and that's why I dislike statism so much. Maybe it has nothing to do with the ethics of it. like I imagine it does.
The thing is, I've always been willing to let the statists keep their statism, but just keep it off my life, liberty, and property. Live and let live. You do your thing and stop trying to force your thing on me (sounds rapish, doesn't it).
But statism can't permit that. The very idea scares statists too much. I say I would respect their right to defend themselves from any violations, even with police they hire, but that's not good enough. To them, if everyone isn't equally enslaved by their "system", they seem to know their "system" wouldn't work. If that's not an admission that they already know it's a failure, I don't know what it is.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
You can dislike something without being a monster about it
There's a certain number of people who just don't like guns. Whatever. That's their choice. I've known some of them and gotten along with them pretty well.
But then there are also a certain number of those people who don't simply dislike guns, they are anti-gun bigots. These people don't like guns and then demand that no one else be allowed to have them, either. They want the State-- the worst mass-murderer the planet has ever seen-- to make up rules against gun owners and to take their guns away.
These people are barbaric.
Their barbarism is based on fear, ignorance, and, yes, bigotry. Even a bit of brainwashing and Stockholm syndrome.
To illustrate the difference, I'll use a personal example:
I don't like pitbulls. It would never occur to me to have the state forbid anyone from having one, or demand licensing, background checks, registration, or any other form of regulation. It's none of the State's business. I may not like pitbulls, but I am not an anti-pitbull bigot. See the difference?
Friday, February 19, 2021
"Black" history
When I was in seventh grade, even I would say I was racist. I had moved from a place where there were few "black" people (and where I liked the ones I knew and never gave it a second thought) to a place far away, where there were lots of them. And at school, they ganged up on me and treated me really badly. For the first time in my life, this made me actually notice them and their apparent differences, and categorize them based on that.
When they would surround me, I was told that since I was "white", I owed them. Usually, they meant I owed them my lunch money. I didn't pay because I felt no guilt or obligation. My non-cooperation got me physically assaulted and robbed a few times.
I was told my imaginary debt was because of "slavery" even though no one in my family (of outhouse using, cistern dependent, leaky dirt floor shack-dwelling farmers in the Dust Bowl panhandle of Texas) had ever "owned" a slave, and had probably never encountered anyone who had. Things other people did long before even my grandparents were born aren't my fault.
I had never encountered this notion before and was taken completely off-guard. Who thought of such nonsense?
But a few months of this treatment from them and I was definitely a racist.
Yet, in seventh grade, one of my best friends at school was "black". We were in homeroom together and we had a blast every day.
I'm sure we made the teacher uncomfortable because we "identified" as the other's "race" to make each other laugh. I would copy the local "black" accent and he copied the local "white" accent. He, for one, did an excellent job.
He also loudly called me a "nigger", and I loudly called him a "honkey", constantly-- again copying what other kids were calling those of the opposite "race". We laughed until we couldn't breathe over all our juvenile jokes. Yeah, we probably offended a lot of people, but I had nothing but good feelings about this guy. I believe he felt the same comradery toward me.
He made me realize that the individual kids I didn't like were the problem, not the color of their skin. I wouldn't say I stopped being racist (that faded over time), but I got a lot more discerning because of him. It might not have been automatic, but it didn't take much to make me decide I liked someone. The blanket hostility I had felt, before I met him, toward those with similar skin color to his, was gone and never returned.
I feel bad for the young people now living under the institutionalized bullying that is so similar to the freelance bullying I lived with. Imagine being told-- by supposed adult experts-- that you owe a debt to a collective "them" because of your skin color and things done centuries ago, by (and to) people who are long dead. That your skin color makes you guilty automatically, with no way to prove your innocence. That you need to hate yourself to try (and fail) to make up for things you aren't guilty of. That's abusive. The "media" should be ashamed for promoting this abusive brainwashing. Individuals who go along with it should be just as ashamed.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Every human is a scientist; we all "do science". We are born doing science.
The thing is, we aren't all good at doing science. That includes those who call themselves "scientists" or science "experts". They are no better at doing science than anyone else, they just get more unearned credibility when they speak on the subject (even when their topic has nothing to do with their narrow field of "expertise").
Science (including medical science) doesn't require government funding, a billion-dollar laboratory, or a Ph.D. Yes, some humans who do science have those things, but they aren't essential. Nor do those things guarantee good science is being done. It still depends more on the human doing the science, and their ability to do science right.
If you "listen to the science" without doing it yourself, you have to decide whether you trust that the person you're listening to did science well. Then you need to decide if they are trustworthy and credible. If they are also involved in politics, the answer is "No, they aren't".
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
The "Capitol assault" is a lie
People who have their money confiscated to pay for a government building have every right to enter that building without explicit permission. Including armed-- since they should always be armed.
Those who try to prevent them from entering are the ones committing the crime, no matter what legislation says. Going in anyway is not an "assault".
Yes, government will try to protect itself with bogus "trespassing" claims, but their problem is they don't own the building. Government employees who are not abiding by the wishes of their bosses are the only ones subject to trespassing charges; not those who actually own the building.
If they don't like it they can always quit and get an honest job.
If the congressvermin were legitimately renting the Capitol building from me, then maybe-- as long as they were current on the rent and not violating any other parts of the rental agreement-- they would have a good case for keeping the landlords out. But they aren't paid up and they are violating the agreement. They are squatters, smearing feces on the walls (they call it "legislation") while thumbing their noses at the landlords.
Drive them off the property and into the swamp. Then let the leeches and mosquitoes deal with the trespassers.
Monday, February 15, 2021
Judged by the other countries
Recently I've seen some guy on Twitter bemoaning how embarrassed he is because of American gun ownership. He feels humiliated and judged by people in other countries because those other countries don't have as many guns (at least, not in the right hands) as America. He wants to jump on their bandwagon, and wants to drag the rest of us along for the ride.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Let Jan. 6 events be wakeup call
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Joss could have learned from his better characters
I don't know if the allegations against Joss Whedon are true, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.
I've loved Firefly since before I was able to watch it, but I was always somewhat less impressed by Whedon as a person.
For all his great characters, dialog, and guns he has expressed the views of a "Left-statist" with anti-gun bigotry. I've never seen an anti-gun bigot who was truly a great person. There's a reason someone doesn't want others able to defend themselves from violators, and I don't buy the canned excuses they use.
He may be completely innocent, and if so, I hope the truth comes out. I hope the truth comes out either way. I'm not going to stop being a Browncoat no matter what happens with Joss. Many of the characters he created may well be better people than he is. (But that's probably the case with all fiction writers.)
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Be well-rounded
I do my best to not be one-dimensional. That's because being around one-dimensional people bores me and makes me look for an escape. I don't want to have that effect on anyone.
Friday, February 12, 2021
Avoid this Idiot Trap
If you believe "anyone who does anything illegal needs to be punished", you're a moron, at least on that particular topic.
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Thursday, February 11, 2021
What America needs most
You know what America needs? More insurrection.
an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Purely commercial
Buy a Time's Up flag or two.
Buy some KentForLiberty swag on TeeSpring-- I have about 20 designs on there. You're bound to like at least one of them.
Donate FRNs, Bitcoin, or Dogecoin, and/or subscribe to make me feel as though what I contribute is worth my time and effort.
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Tuesday, February 09, 2021
Primitive guy hates consensual interactions
![]() |
Is that you, Crow-magnum Man? |
I recently saw some guy on Twitter who called himself "anti-civilization" and a "primitivist" who was responding to another person, telling him he hates "your government and your society".
Monday, February 08, 2021
The Cult of Covid
It appears that Covid-19 has actually spawned a cult. I'll be nice and not adopt the obvious label "Covidiots" for its members.
I'll go with "Branch Covidians", instead. It's funnier and it's completely accurate.
Covidianism appears to be a branch of Statism, but maybe it's distinct and there's only some incidental overlap in the middle. Maybe, but probably not. The correlation seems too high to be coincidental.
Branch Covidians have their own religious canon-- handed down from the politicized Experts, put into action by the political Rulers, and preached by the priests of the Mainstream Media. It has sacred garments (face masks) and rituals (anti-social distancing). Sacrifices are required; both human sacrifice (people killed by shutdowns) and "covenants of flesh" (vaccinations), and tithes (economic ruin through shutdowns and stimulus money). And most of it is divorced from reality-- including science-- in a big way.
In spite of the craziness, the Branch Covidians have gone mainstream-- pushing their religion from the media and government buildings-- and it's bizarre.
My eyes hurt from rolling so much at what Branch Covidians believe and worry about. I can't be one of them. It appears I'm an atheist concerning that religion, too.
As with any religion, I have no problem with anyone practicing it until they start imagining that the rules they make up and apply to themselves as believers in that religion apply to the non-believers as well. Then I'm going to resist.
Sunday, February 07, 2021
Earth isn't flat and government isn't good
(My Eastern New Mexico News column for January 6, 2021)
Not my problem, why should I care?
There's a common worldview that can be illustrated as: "It doesn't matter to me so it shouldn't matter to anyone else."
Saturday, February 06, 2021
Scott Adams: King of the Straw Men
Scott Adams is adept at setting up straw men to take down.
For example--
When people observe that the pandemic (if real in the way it is being presented by politicians and their lackeys) is being used to condition people to be compliant, he misrepresents this by saying they are arguing that there was a meeting between politicians from all over the world where they hatched the plot to create the pandemic and use it to train compliance into the populations.
He changed the argument being made, regardless of whether the original argument was reasonable or not.
He's arguing against something that exists only in his own mind, because he probably can't argue convincingly against the actual observation which has been made. (Although, I'm not saying there's no one who believes this happened; there probably is.) This is a textbook example of the straw man argument.
He does this with guns, with trans"gender" issues, with copsucking, with the Constitution, and with any topic where he can promote government-supremacism. He simply takes whichever position increases government power. He doesn't do so by honestly addressing the criticisms, but by constructing flimsy straw men he can tear apart-- without acknowledging the actual argument against his side. Is he doing this just to prop up his own fragile belief system? It sure looks that way.
I still listen to him because when he's right, he's right. But when he's wrong it's because he's taking the government-supremacist side, almost without exception.
Friday, February 05, 2021
A little bit of good doesn't justify evil
Over and over again I am stunned to see the lengths people will go to so they can keep believing in political government.
No matter what it does, no matter the actual results, they defend its existence in the face of 5000+ years of evidence. Even if they admit government sometimes commits great evil-- more than any other group has ever managed to commit-- they won't face the flawed premise it is built upon: that wrong isn't wrong if enough people sanction it.
They seem to imagine that any potential good justifies the very real evil.
I don't accept that, even as I'm able to recognize the "good" that can be sometimes accomplished (though never justified) by committing evil.
I accept that sometimes government does the right thing-- even government's gang of thugs occasionally does something worthwhile. Sometimes government gets good results. Where I part ways with the government-supremacists is that I recognize that good results or even sometimes "doing the right thing" doesn't excuse the institutionalized theft and/or coercion required to get there.
Doing wrong and having it turn out well anyway never excuses doing the wrong thing.
Was any medical knowledge gained by the Tuskegee Syphilis "study"? Probably, but that doesn't justify it. It was still evil.
Might mask mandates and forced shutdowns slow the spread of a virus? It doesn't matter because it's still wrong to do those things. Even if you are really scared of the virus.
Might draconian "border security" and "immigration" control prevent some problems? Probably, but that doesn't make it right-- get rid of the root cause of the potential problems (v*ting, welfare, and anti-defense legislation) instead of thrashing at the leaves.
It's entirely possible you could find some innocent individual who is still alive because of some specific anti-gun legislation. Even if there weren't a trade-off with lives lost as a result of such counterfeit rules, it's still wrong to violate the natural human right to own and to carry weapons.
Yet because people keep asking the wrong questions (because they either don't like the right ones or don't even know what to ask) they keep getting the wrong "answers". And this allows them to keep believing that somehow, some way, political government is something other than a cancer.
Responsible people who have worthwhile principles have to accept that they have no right to violate others just because they have (or believe they have) a good goal in mind.
Tuesday, February 02, 2021
Privileges-- loaned-out rights
I've heard some people argue there are no such things as rights; only privileges. But if rights don't exist, neither can privileges.
A right is something you can do just because no one else has the right to prevent you from doing it. Something you can do because you were born human. (Which is everything that doesn't violate the equal and identical rights of anyone else.)
A privilege is when someone else lets you use their right in some limited way. Basically, they let you appear to "violate" their right-- with their permission-- for a set time, often in exchange for something they want, like money or information.
If they didn't have a right, they couldn't loan it to you.
Since rights can only be individual, not collective, and government can therefore have no rights, government can't even grant privileges. And they certainly don't have the "right" to ration or otherwise violate the rights of human beings in any way.
Even every argument against rights only destroys the justification for political government even harder.