Thursday, May 21, 2020

Act stupid; embrace politics

If you want to act stupid, embrace politics.

Politics makes people stupid. This is the one thing I know for certain about politics.

By "politics" I mean choosing sides-- Right-Statism vs. Left-Statism.
I mean believing government is a credible source; believing government is the proper venue for anything.
Believing government should make "policy".
Believing that a v*te concerning anyone else's rights or liberty is legitimate.
Arguing that "taxation" isn't theft... in some magical way that is never adequately explained.
Supporting-- or even nearly worshiping-- armed government employees of any sort, no matter what they do, pretending it's only some "bad apples" who are the problem.
Making the argument that since people aren't perfect angels, we must allow those people who seek to hold power over others to have that power which they seek... and that this is somehow going to work out better for almost everyone than the alternative of allowing people to run their own lives.

Politics makes people reject reason, ethics, science, compassion, and anything else which might get in the way. It perverts religions and morality.

It makes some people imagine that if you don't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome you must be a crazed Trump fan. There can't be any other options in their naked, shivering minds.

It causes people to reject non-political approaches to problems. Everyone admits government schools are a disaster (although some will use less honest terminology), but to suggest abolishing the institution is unthinkable. Even when the only argument they can come up with is that they believe it's good or necessary to allow people to rob their neighbors-- through government force-- to help pay for their kids' daycare.

Politics results in stupidity. If you want to act stupid, embrace politics.


Writing to promote liberty is my job.
YOU get to decide if I get paid.
I hope I add something you find valuable enough to support.


  1. I especially get annoyed when people think I am a trump lover because I am not infected with tds...

    1. Yep. Point out that they are criticizing based on lies and they make faulty assumptions about what you "really think". I don't like when criticisms of anyone or anything are based on lies-- there's just no need to be making stuff up.

  2. I find that when I question the Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. (covid) narrative, people automatically assume I'm a "Trump supporter," or they just go ahead and call me an "idiot." I used to teach first-year college English and we studied argument in the first semester. One of the most common argumentative weaknesses is the ad hominem attack; Merriam-Webster online gives two definitions for this attack: "marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made" and "appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect." Both seem to be in full force in today's dumbed down society, unfortunately.
