Thursday, October 11, 2018

Your rights end where the rights of others begin

You have the right to an education. You do not have the right to rob people, or force them to ransom their property, so you can have a "public" school.

You have the right to health care. You do not have the right to rob people, or force them to serve you, so you can have "free, universal" health care.

You have the right to control your property. You do not have the right to rob people, or control their property and consensual trade arrangements, so you can have "secure borders" and unconstitutional "immigration control". Other people's property is not yours to control, not "even" if you call yourself government.

You have the right to own and to carry a weapon. You do not have the right to rob people, or force them to give you the gun you want, so you can exercise your right without cost. It's funny that those who want to enslave others for "positive rights" always seem to overlook this identical argument.

The ONLY responsibility others have with regards to your rights is to not violate them. To not ban books, to not declare a War on Politically Incorrect Drugs, or establish medical licensing or an FDA, to respect private property, and to not make up anti-gun "laws" of any kind. If they are doing something which actually interferes with your rights, they are the bad guys. If you expect others to be enslaved so you can have what you want, then the bad guy is you.

This blog is my job.
YOU get to decide if I get paid.


  1. Your wording is off.

    You have a right to learn, to acquire knowledge.

    You have a right to pursue commerce, which includes healthcare goods and services.

    Rights concern actions, verbs. You have rights to do or not do actions.

    You don't have rights to stuff. An education is quantified and qualified services. So is healthcare. Saying that you have rights to these means that you are entitled to them and that they must be provided by society.

    By saying that you have a right to do or pursue these things puts the onus on the individual. They may engage in those rights as much or as little as they want.

    1. We are just using words differently to mean the same thing. I believe I'm going with the root meanings, not the more recent connotations.

      If you acquire knowledge you are being educated. You can do this yourself-- in fact, that's the ONLY way to get an education- no one can really educate you; they can give you the opportunity to be educated, but the education is up to you.

      Same with healthcare-- if you learn methods of caring for your health, you have provided yourself with healthcare. No other person is necessary (although you have the right to trade to receive healthcare assistance from others).

      At least, that's how I see it.

  2. life, liberty, property.
    is there a right to property (noun) ?

    1. Since all actual rights are negative rights, no one has a right to prevent you from having property. You have no right to steal their property. In practice that means you (and they) have a "right to property".

  3. A right to property is recognized in Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    The Constitution protects property rights through the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments’ Due Process Clauses and, more directly, through the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause: “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.”
    Property rights are fundamental.

    1. But governments never actually respect property rights. "Property tax" is a sign of this. Eminent domain, zoning, property codes, business licenses, etc. are other signs. Government is inherently anti-property rights.

  4. Rights are based on that which is a condition of being a human. You cannot help but to be a human and do what humans do.

    Humans are an ingenuitive and crafty species that use tools and acquire property through trade systems to aid their comfort and necessary survival. This is the basis of why humans have a right to buy/sell/trade/own stuff.

    Most people call it property rights and right to free association or free trade. I just call it people being people.

  5. So rights are NOT verbs (as the original anon suggested).
