Monday, June 05, 2017

Temporary is still worthwhile

The statist excuse for rejecting anarchy is that it would only be temporary. Some evil moron will always try to set himself up as Ruler, and idiot followers will let him. Until he comes along, those idiots will keep looking for someone to push them around. "It's human nature", the statists say.

So what if it is?

Do you not bother with anything "temporary"?

Well, everything is temporary.

Each individual life is always temporary.

Life will always end in death, so does that mean living isn't worthwhile?

Anarchy is life.

Even if anarchy is always temporary, replaced by the next dumb idea until that idea inevitably fails and anarchy happens again, does that mean it's wrong? That it was pointless? Never!

Establishing a State is always the wrong thing to do. It's always stupid and will always lead to bad things. And it will always fail. When it does, don't beg for a new State. Enjoy the liberty until the short-sighted idiots around you set up their next failure-to-come. Temporary liberty is still better than never getting a taste.


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  1. Anarchy fails because following the NAP is voluntary, and it is poorly understood or unknown to much of the population. Unless it becomes a central tenet of the culture, anarchy will be a temporary state between nation failure and the rise of despotism. If NAP becomes a central tenet of the culture, then it becomes the root of that culture's law, and the beginning of autarchy, which will effectively be permanent. Under autarchy, all people are sovereign, and all are responsible for the law.

  2. "Anarchy fails because following the NAP is voluntary,"

    Translation; Humans can't handle peace.

    "and it is poorly understood or unknown to much of the population."

    Translation: Because they are ignorant and stupid.

    "Unless it becomes a central tenet of the culture, anarchy will be a temporary state between nation failure and the rise of despotism."

    Then how do you make it a tenet of the culture if the problem is ignorance and stupidity?

    "If NAP becomes a central tenet of the culture, then it becomes the root of that culture's law, and the beginning of autarchy, which will effectively be permanent. Under autarchy, all people are sovereign, and all are responsible for the law."

    You basically describe natural law, as we are individuals by order of nature with equal universal rights. If no one rightfully rules over another and all decide for themselves, that's just reality.
