Monday, May 08, 2017

Mansion vs Tiny House

Why do people get so worked up over how other people live? To the point of anger, name-calling, and saying "everyone must live this way!"

I see people scolding others for owning "too much stuff". Preaching "get rid of all clutter". Unfortunately, much of the time what a minimalist sees as "clutter" is what you'll need in a "grid down" situation, or even a lesser event.

I understand the desire for getting rid of anything not essential and downsizing. I also see the pitfalls.

It's the same with people who pride themselves on their "tiny house".

I think those over-priced tiny houses are cool. I like the way they use space (or, at least how the well-designed ones do). This is the same reason I love to explore RVs.

I also see how fragile they are to outside conditions-- and I don't mean only weather. Again, if you don't have space to store "preps" or some backup supplies ("two is one and one is none") you are vulnerable to the whims of the economy and Murphy's Law. You are more likely to become a burden on others if you don't have anything set aside for rough times. You have no cushion when you are down to bare-bones.

I understand the reason some people see a big house and lots of possessions as wasteful. And, for some people they probably are. Having a huge mansion so you have space for your dusty Beanie Baby collection, but never keeping more than a couple day's worth of food (and no stored water) in your house probably doesn't make a lot of sense. But who am I to judge?

It's not my business if you want to live in a tiny house or in a mansion. It's not my business if you are a hoarder or if you hate all clutter and pride yourself for downsizing. Neither way is wrong. Why not focus on things that matter-- such as whether the person living in that house is a thief or rapist?

As long as you don't violate others, do what works for you. Don't let anyone pressure you into feeling guilt where there is none.


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  1. You're kind of positioning "tiny house" types as the opposite of "preppers." I consider them a FORM OF (intentionally or not) "preppers."

    Many, probably even most, tiny houses are set up to be either less dependent on "the grid" or not dependent on it at all.

    Solar panels instead of plugging in to an outlet.

    Compost toilet instead of hooking up to a sewer.

    Water setup that can, if necessary, be run from a rain barrel instead of needing a well or city water hookup.

    Sometimes heating, even cooking, using wood that you can almost always find a place to gather instead of having to find and buy electricity or propane.

    And, in many possible situations, the ability to get the hell out of Dodge before an impending, or during an existing, situation and have your house WITH you.

    And the people doing it are, in essence, constantly training in how to make do with less. They're more prepared because they're at least partially living the prospective post-disaster life ALREADY. When the shit hits the fan, I expect a lot of tiny house people will be like "so? I've been doing this for years."

    1. I agree, and have thought of that too, but I was just presenting the other side- the side I think is being ignored. I think the (possible) mobility of a tiny house is a big plus. I also think that in most cases, hunkering down is a better strategy than bugging out- but there will be those times... and in most of those times, taking even a tiny house probably won't be possible. Be adaptable.

    2. I would suggest that those big houses are one of the many reasons that nuclear energy appears necessary, which I believe IS a direct threat to me.


  2. Burn them all. Let the fire department sort it out.
