Monday, December 12, 2016

The true risks

Of all the dangers in the world, and all the possible ways to be violated, the risks coming from anarchists are so minuscule as to be nonexistent. As far as I can tell, I have never been violated by an anarchist.

No, all the dangers I face out there come from archators, looking to take my stuff and violate my person. And the vast majority of them archate through The State. They are statists- the largest segment of the archator population.

When I look around and realize that almost everyone I encounter supports bullying and theft, it can be a little scary. Sure, most of them "only" support evil within certain parameters- as long as the bad guys call themselves government and only violate me as much as their "job" allows- or as much as they can get away with.

No one has a right to be a statist who puts their belief into action. That's because human rights and statism are incompatible. Archators- particularly the variety known as statists- are the real risk, but they want you to worry about those who are no risk to you, so they can promise to protect you from them.

Don't fall for it.


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