Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Don't live down to the expectations

I care that you live by the Zero Aggression Principle and don't violate property.

I don't care about your "race", gender/sex, culture, job, wealth, "nationality", or anything else... as long as you live by the Zero Aggression Principle and don't violate property.

It's so simple.

However, if you use any of those trivial (or imaginary) categories mentioned above as justification for initiating force and violating property, I'm not going to excuse you based on your "race", gender/sex, culture, job, wealth, "nationality", or anything else, either. I know you can be a good person, and I expect you to live up to it.

When you use those excuses as justification for initiating force or violating property you are also spitting on others who don't commit those acts, but who will probably be unfairly grouped with you by ignorant observers.

None of those things require you to be an aggressor or a property violator- with the possible exception of your "job", and you are free to quit any "job" that requires you to be a bad person to do it. And you should.

You don't have to be a bad guy, no matter what you believe others expect of you. So, don't.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up.

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