Monday, October 05, 2015

Statists' false choices

Statists love the false choice:

Either accept theft and aggression, or live without roads.
Either accept theft and aggression, or see the end of education.
Either accept theft and aggression, or you'll be a helpless victim of theft and aggression. (?!?)
Either accept theft and aggression, or do without wild spaces.
Either accept theft and aggression, or say goodbye to justice.

Sorry. That isn't how reality works.



  1. Either this, or that. No other alternative!

    Reminds me of this:

    *whatever would we do?*

    And ya know... even if *I* didn't have the answer to the issue (roads, security, justice, education etc)... *others* can be experts in those things and that's plenty good. That's how it mostly is now, in spite of the Statist way of things.
