Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Out with the old, in with the new

(My Clovis News Journal column for October 9, 2015)

When thinking of my favorite seasons, autumn is definitely in the top four. Just where it ranks depends on when you ask me.

Some of the more heavily forested places in which I have lived offer more in the way of fall colors, but no matter where I am, I always feel a sense of anticipation as the days get shorter and cooler, and the clocks are turned back to a more reasonable setting.

Funny thing about Fall: some people believe it looks like everything is dying, and become sad over the change of seasons. I think this is short-sighted.

I see Autumn as necessary for the renewal and rebirth to come. Nature must sweep away the worn out to make way for the fresh. Old bug-scarred, weather-worn leaves fall off so the trees can grow fresh leaves next Spring. Without Fall you won't have Spring. Fall signals hope for the future.

This doesn't only apply to nature. Most of the time, in order to make way for something new and better, the old and the worn have to be discarded. You must scrape away the old paint before you slather on a new coat.

Nor can newly discovered knowledge take hold until the old superstitions are tossed aside.

It doesn't mean you have to pretend the old never existed, or didn't have some value once upon a time. You can reminisce, but knowledge is superior to superstition; reality over wishful thinking.

The good news is the Age of Authority is drawing to a close. The "top-down" centralized, Soviet-style controlling of society failed, and is being replaced by a "bottom-up" decentralized self organization which will be more robust. False hierarchies based on "obey your orders" can finally die out to make way for true experts leading by example; never forcing participation by those who prefer to opt out.

Without letting go of some old bad beliefs- such as the idea that government rules supersede liberty and property rights- you'll never find something better. This isn't to deny you'll have to weather the winter of transition- people have to adjust to being responsible for themselves once again. No one says it will be easy after such a long history of using government to avoid personal responsibility, but Spring is coming.

What appears as destruction is often a necessary step in making way for something better. You can't make an omelet if you are unwilling to break some eggs.


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