Monday, August 03, 2015

Has the orgy pit been scraped and buttered?

Because the orgy is coming.

You might call it "the election", but what it is is an orgy of socialism. People are allowed to choose who will claim ownership of their life, liberty, and property. Liberty and freedom aren't even on the ballot.

And, yet, most people are excited about it, fighting over which "floater" is the best choice to run your life.

You life doesn't need to be run by anyone but you.

Sure, no matter what you choose to do about this orgy, some floater is going to be declared "the winner" for every contest. But do you really want to get your hands dirty picking the floater? How can you choose a favorite deadly disease? Who's your favorite slave master?

There is one socialist getting a lot of attention for admitting he is a socialist. The rest may deny it, but they are socialists, too. They all believe "society" is entitled to your property- they just may bicker over which segment of "society" deserves it more.

Well, this orgy holds nothing that appeals to me, so I'll sit it out. Enjoy the buttery slipping and sliding, though.

Still looking for feedback.



  1. "Well, this orgy holds nothing that appeals to me, so I'll sit it out."

    You can't sit it out. And it isn't an orgy. You're getting gang raped.

    It is past time to start killing people. ...all of them. Let God sort them out.

  2. I suppose that depends on how you define God.

    But to answer your question, kill them anyway. They're forcefully in our way of rightful Liberty and refuse to correct themselves or even acknowledge it. Whatever happens to them, dead people don't violate.

    1. Banish them forever, don't commit murder.

    2. Banish them forever, don't commit murder.

    3. Banish them forever, don't commit murder.

    4. Unless I obtain a means of sorting and killing all the statists, it's all bullshit rhetoric anyway. I've already banished them forever. The problem is they won't leave, and insist on imposing their/the state's will.

      One idea I have considered, is that we should form a Libertarian 'nation' or secret society. We would live by certain values and principles of respecting rights and taking responsibility, making sure to be a respectful member of our respective communities.

      In the event we are violated and harassed by statists, simply hunt them down and kill them as a means of defense.

      For example, if one of us becomes a victim of a victimless crime and are jailed or fined, etc, simply hunt and kill the complainant, arresting officers, judges, and or legislators responsible and/or take whatever monetary compensation is due.

      Do you 'owe' your county property tax? No problem, we just steal the car of whoever signed the papers demanding your rightful property, then sell it to finance paying them said taxes. ..or whatever they have of value.

    5. Safety- or at least power- in numbers. I would love such a community in the physical world. We already have one philosophically, but are so scattered we can't do much to watch each other's backs. Yet, there have been a couple of times I have had a person, locally, watch my back after a vague threat. And it was reassuring.

    6. It wouldn't be the first. That's about how the Freemasons started. The government of the day tried to make slave labor of craftsmen. So they organized and told them to comply with their demands or build their own shit.

      They still exist today.

      I'm all for it. I am soooo tired of living in a world that prohibits the human experience, that doesn't allow for people like myself to become a better man with a better life, that encroaches on a simple peaceful existence.

      Something has to be done. This prison planet bullshit sucks.
