Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Rape culture"

If you believe in the prevalence of "rape culture", convince your least favorite friend to go around bragging about committing a rape or two and let's watch what happens to him... and see how long it takes.



  1. The "rape culture" should be more accurately called the "victim bitch culture". Liberal feminists want men to live in an uptight society where they walk on eggshells around the powerful feminists.

  2. Rape culture? WTF is THAT...the "statistic" that says 25% of all females have been sexually assaulted? Total BS. What it is, I think, is this...the further demonizing/destruction of traditional family and American masculinity. Making men (fathers) irrelevant and replacing them with the almighty State (government).

    After all...who needs a rapist man in the house to help support, mentor, and raise the kids when the State will provide?

  3. Just because you have no experience with something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Rape and rape culture are quite different things. Rape is an act of violence against women. Rape culture is arguably a patriarchal paradigm, that supports male privilege and female subjugation. All patriarchal religions are rape culture. They promote the objectification of woman, blame women for "getting themselves raped or pregnant" and excuse men from responsibilty by blaming the female victim for causing the crime. I was born and raised in the patriarchal order of mormonism, which is at its core, amercanized Islam. It's rape culture.

  4. Just because you have no experience with something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Rape and rape culture are quite different things. Rape is an act of violence against women. Rape culture is arguably a patriarchal paradigm, that supports male privilege and female subjugation. All patriarchal religions are rape culture. They promote the objectification of woman, blame women for "getting themselves raped or pregnant" and excuse men from responsibilty by blaming the female victim for causing the crime. I was born and raised in the patriarchal order of mormonism, which is at its core, amercanized Islam. It's rape culture.

  5. Just because you have no experience with something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Rape and rape culture are quite different things. Rape is an act of violence against women. Rape culture is arguably a patriarchal paradigm, that supports male privilege and female subjugation. All patriarchal religions are rape culture. They promote the objectification of woman, blame women for "getting themselves raped or pregnant" and excuse men from responsibilty by blaming the female victim for causing the crime. I was born and raised in the patriarchal order of mormonism, which is at its core, amercanized Islam. It's rape culture.

  6. Just because you have no experience with something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Here's a rape statistic you should familiarize yourself with: 21%.

    In a survey of 1,788 male inmates in Midwestern prisons by Prison Journal, about 21% claimed they had been coerced or pressured into sexual activity during their incarceration.

    You're probably unaware America leads the world in rape.

    It is the only country in the world where male rapes exceed female rapes. There are 216,000 rapes of inmates in detention each year. There are 91,000 rapes outside of the prison system, of which 9,100 are men.

    Libertarians are well aware the state is a murderer and a thief and is effectively spreading this message to society at large. It's time to acknowledge the state is also a rapist.

    The American police state is indeed a rape culture. This collectivist paradigm supports official privilege and mundane subjugation. All nation-states promote the objectification of citizens, and blame their victims for "breaking the law" and thus claim to excuse the state from responsibility by blaming the individual victims for committing crimes. They claim it's the criminals fault when they are robbed, murdered and raped by the state.

    1. Statism is an aggression culture- institutionalized rape is just a part of that.

    2. Absolutely, Kent. You're only a victim if you choose to be.

      When you're raped, assuming you weren't physically injured, call it "unwanted sexual activity" and dust your self off.

      If someone robs you, consider it an "unscheduled charitable donation."

      It's that easy. If we'd all adopt those two simple attitudes, we could drastically reduce the number of crimes overnight.

      Then, if only all those newly de-victimized people could start using their energy to prevent future aggressions, rather than dwelling on those in the past. We might really start making some headway in this battle.

  7. I think there is a very simple way to dramatically lower that 20% campus sexual asault rate. If a coed is assaulted, she doesn't have to pay for college.
    At first the rate will jump to 95%, but shortly after that you will find that college admins will work tirelessly to investigate each incident. They will seperate real victims from those who would abuse the system. I would't be surprised to see the percent drop to near 0%.
