Thursday, January 29, 2015


I'm shocked when I discover an otherwise intelligent person is "conservative" or "liberal".

That's like discovering an astronomer who believes in horoscopes.

Or a neurosurgeon who believes headaches can be relieved by letting the evil spirits out of the sufferer's skull by drilling holes in it.

Or a biologist who believes flies spontaneously spring from rotting meat.

Or an astronaut who believes the Earth is flat.

It simply makes no sense whatsoever.



  1. Hey love it or leave it hippie scum!

    1. Yep. That's what they say since they have no real argument in support of their delusion.

    2. OK, Kent -- but here's where I'll call your hand. 1) there are many "otherwise" intelligent (and educated) people who are currently conservative and/or liberal -- but who, in time, and with an additional degree from UHK (University of Hard Knocks), will be amongst us. Few of us woke up with an anarchist spoon in our mouths. Most of us got our education from government ("public" ha ha) schools and universities. And one of your essays and/or theses may be the article that tips over the teapot and pours them in (or "out" -- however you see it). One or more of your essays or comments probably already has had its effect, and you aren't even aware of it (unless the recipient made a specific point to compliment you and tell you about it). In fact, I'll state dogmatically that you've had a genuine effect on many readers of your local news columns -- you may never know how many or upon whom.

      So I urge anarchists to "walk softly and carry a big stick".

      It's been nearly ten years since, stumbling in out of the cold (from arch-conservatism) I came across an article by our friend, Mark, posted over at STR, entitled "Be Free". At the end of the first paragraph Mark urged, "...I suggest that if an individual really wants to be free then they should begin to act free themselves; that is, choose to be free..." I chanced upon that at just the right time for it to "stick". From that eventually I took up my "sovereign state" thesis: that I can be free. Here. Now. Today. Where I'm "at". Cowardly "swat" cops might well break down my door, haul me off, and lock my ass in one of their rape cages over some trumped up charge. But they can't take away the freedom or my understanding of liberty that resides between my ears.

      That's anarchy.

      In the following paragraph of "Be Free", although I had not voted in a political election since 1964, Mark made a statement that illustrated to me how my abstinence from participation in bread-and-circus "elections" had contributed to my liberty without my even realizing it: "...Working within the system means to become a part of the system. When you go into the voting booth, the only meaningful significance that your action will have is to show that one more person supports the state..." From that idea I eventually chanced across the late Robert LeFevre's "Abstain From Beans", the title of which has more-or-less become my byline whenever posting at one of these libertarian sites.

      2) The beliefs and proclamations of astronomers, neurosurgeons, biologists and/or astronauts can be severely flawed and imbedded with harmful dominant social themes. Because much of their "science" is funded and propagandized by stolen resources -- either directly or indirectly (as in the case of not a few "neurosurgeons").

      Just sayin'.


    3. I agree.
      I used to be very inconsistent. I was always libertarian/anarchist at heart, but I also clung to "conservative" delusions. It wasn't a comfortable condition. Exposure to L. Neil Smith's book "Lever Action" gave me the push I needed by giving a name to the "libertarian" part of what I had always been without giving it any thought- and was the first thing to make me realize there were others out there like me! That was a huge revelation that changed my life. I had always been immersed in hard core "Christian conservatism" and they only recognized one other option: "Godless liberal". To figure out those were actually just two manifestations of the exact same mentality was astounding and liberating.

      I have had a few people write and tell me how my writings have changed their point of view. Even some I had no idea even remembered me or anything I wrote at all. It's a big part of why I keep writing.

  2. " I have had a few people write and tell me how my writings have changed their point of view. Even some I had no idea even remembered me or anything I wrote at all. It's a big part of why I keep writing. "

    For whatever it is worth, you've helped me define my personal political philosophy/idealism simply by regularly giving me something to think about.

    1. "Glad I could help."

      Me too. There is more than just that, actually. I am going to try to say this without too many details.

      You see, I once(and still do) found myself involuntarily stuck in someone's very bizarre and evil sick game whereby several lives are now ruined and four people are dead. Because of their sick, deluded and elusive nature, I had to play along in order to determine who the players are, who is a willing or unwitting participant, who the victims and who the predators are, etc.

      Somehow, you were partially aware of the situation (at least it appears that way) and showed your support. What you thought was a genuine sentiment of adoration on my part, was actually me playing along as to determine which ones to very slowly and painfully torture to death.

      I have my answer now, and, as an act of defense as well as revenge, I do intend to kill them (if someone doesn't beat me to it). But the point is that you supported me during a very difficult time in my life. You did so as a matter of principle in regard to liberty and questionable social norms. ...and I thank you.

    2. Well, just to remind you, I don't support torture and/or murder, and if someone isn't currently engaged in aggression or property violation, killing them is murder. I do understand sometimes doing something you feel you have to do, even if it's wrong (violates the ZAP or property rights), and accepting the consequences, whatever they might be.

      You might want to carefully consider if what you plan to do will really enhance your life, liberty, or property in any way. Maybe you honestly believe it will. I seriously doubt revenge ever really helps anything. As I have noticed, most people feel differently.

    3. Well, for the last 20 years, I have been stalked, harassed, spied on and violated in various ways using the most cruel and unusual methods of torture, by everyone from time travelers, cults, secret societies, religious nuts and intelligence organizations.

      I have openly called out for help from friends and family, and anyone else who I thought would respond. I have openly begged for mercy and honesty. I have tried various forms of evasion and circumvention. I even went so far as to inform a homicide detective of what was really going on in her investigation. No one cares. No one will help. The weirdos apparently aren't going away. I am obviously on my own and have to do what I have to do.

      Their endless bullshit has come at an enormous personal cost, and without provocation on my part. I have simply been trying to mind my own business, attempting to pursue a simple happy life.

      I have very little choice. Under the circumstances, by all reasonable expectations, I have no hope for a better life and virtually no time to make it happen. If it happens at all, a prerequisite is that a long list of persistent people are soon dead.

      If/when I kill people, it will be out of necessity and defense, and as a last resort. After 20 years and all my efforts, it is basically at that point now. The revenge part comes from anticipating how great it will feel to finally kill the creeps. If the outcome is ultimately a negative one, it matters not because I have nothing to lose. As a result of their insistent violations, my life is basically over anyway. What's the difference?

    4. Have you considered the possibility that you are painting yourself into a corner, and the bigger picture is that the corner you are arriving in has been constructed as an elaborate paint by numbers scheme? You ask what the difference is. I'll suggest an answer. In one version of things, you go along with a story where other people will suggest that your murderous actions near the end of your life are a consequence of mental illness. Yeah, you get to be the crazy guy who eventually snapped. In an alternative version, you get to be the guy who would not submit, and did not fold.

    5. " Have you considered the possibility that you are painting yourself into a corner, and the bigger picture is that the corner you are arriving in has been constructed as an elaborate paint by numbers scheme? "

      Yes. That's actually a pretty good metaphor. It is more like being borne into a painted corner, and I am either waiting for the paint to dry or considering walking across it anyway as it relates to time. I don't really care what the paint job looks like anyway, it's just something pinning me down.

      " You ask what the difference is. I'll suggest an answer. In one version of things, you go along with a story where other people will suggest that your murderous actions near the end of your life are a consequence of mental illness. Yeah, you get to be the crazy guy who eventually snapped. In an alternative version, you get to be the guy who would not submit, and did not fold. "

      Oh, I snapped a few years ago. I finally snapped out of it too (thank gawd). People already think I am nuts and I am not one to care what people think anyway. (And if I kill people, it will not be one of those psychotic murderous rampages. I have something much better in mind.) I don't know the meaning of 'submit', and if I fold, it is because the deck is rigged and I intend to take the pot and burn down the house.

      While I very much appreciate your good advice, what I need is active participation, starting with clear honest private communication with those who know what is going on, who are my true allies and are willing to help.

      I am sitting on powerful information and a very complex situation that has the potential to affect a lot of people. It already is. It needs to stop, to be resolved - closure.

      I see it like this, I can;

      A - Get a new identity, a few acres in the middle of nowhere where I will never be bothered again, some tools, equipment and building materials, seeds and livestock, and a good woman to share it and make babies with.

      (but I have little means of facilitating that, no known prospective mates, nor does it make sense to condemn my children to a life of enslavement because there are billions of 'Anitas' out there who insist on making the world a prison. What's the point? I my as well run the gamut)

      B - A physical way off of this god forsaken shit-hole
      (I see a lot of evidence this is a possibility, but I have no access. Someone, please, get me the hell outta here!)

      C - Find a way to kill 3-5 billion problematic/impossible idiots in a short period of time.

      D - Find a way to convince 3-5 billion problematic/impossible idiots to not be idiots, and in a short period of time.

      E - Start a global revolution and set this shit straight.

      What say you?
