Monday, August 25, 2014

You'd need to alter reality

I hate to be disagreeable, but...

You'll never convince me "government is necessary" because I don't need it.

You'll never convince me "government is good" because I see its inherent evil with my own two eyes.

Until you can change reality your words are as ridiculous to me as a person who tries to tell me I need to get cornea piercings, just because it would be cool. I know what is unnecessary and harmful to me, despite any arguments and pleas.



  1. Yeah, Kent. But who would build the roads?

    (ha ha, ho ho, he he).


    1. Roads? Where we're going, we don't need... roads.

    2. I was clearing up some old tin sheets and there was a huge rat highway under them.

      If statists are correct, and only governments can make roads - then I've got a serious problem developing.

    3. I saw a photo of a game trail captioned "Proof deer have formed a government". LOL
