Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Yay! I'm "absolutely incredible"!

Oh, wait... "an absolutely incredible idiot".

I observed:
If you claim to want liberty, and oppose a big, powerful central government, but you want the "borders" closed and the "illegals" deported, you need to decide which side you are on, because you are holding two contradictory beliefs in your head at the same time. You can't have both.
It created a lot of discussion. But it also drew this (fourth comment down):

Click to be able to read it

Missed it by that much.


  1. I post a lot of comments on YouTube videos. When someone responds to my comment with nothing but insults and name calling (like this example), I reply with a standard response:
    "Still another statist hate rant. Nothing of substantive, intellectual value to see here. No counterargument or contradictory proof."
    Face, it, Statists/loyalists and name calling go together. That’s all they know how to do. They are programmed to respond to certain stimuli with hostility, slogans and cliché. They have no counterargument to offer because they never actually learned one or are too inarticulate to create one.

  2. This Dave Fuller person isn't capable of making an intelligent case for his views and his posting reflect that. The posting by Bob Wallace makes the case far better.
