Wednesday, November 06, 2013

If it makes you feel good, it's probably illegal

Often, after I read some really inspiring anarchist or libertarian writing, I feel so good it's amazing.  I feel taller, stronger, better than I was before.  The day seems sunnier, other people seem nicer.  Everything just looks and feels clearer.  More focused and sharper.  I feel happy.

So, I wonder if statists get the same rush after reading Mein Kampf or Mao's Little Red Book, or after visiting the Daily Kos or FOX News.



  1. Kent, of course they do. Look at the ecstatic, bouncing supporters of a winning candidate on election night.

    The times in my life when I became better never made me feel better. I suspect Libertarian Kool-Aid is every bit as addictive as Statist Kool-Aid. If your belly is purring, you might want to turn on your belief-detector.


  2. Do you believe truth should make you feel bad?

    I feel the same way after reading about new scientific discoveries, too. And when finally figuring out the solution to something that's been gnawing at me for a while.

    I think learning is awesome.

  3. Not many things I read have this effect on me. Some sound great, and tell me things I would love to believe are true, but don't pass the test- they are either "too good to be true" or I see flaws in the logic. They just don't hold up to scrutiny. Those just leave me feeling wishful.

  4. No, Kent, I don't believe truth makes you feel bad. Truth shouldn't make you "feel" anything.

    Emotion conflicts with reason. Purely reasonable thought should not produce any emotion. If the belly purrs or growls, then emotion has contaminated your thinking.

    Strong emotions always show a mind enchained by belief.


  5. I "believe" theft and aggression are wrong. Yes, I see plenty of evidence to base that belief on, but I still have to believe/accept the evidence. Belief isn't bad- only belief in spite of evidence is bad.

    Like it or not, humans are emotional creatures. They need to be inspired, or they won't lift a finger for themselves. Or for others. There is a place for pure logic and rationality, and there is a place for inspiration. They can work together- they are not mutually exclusive.

  6. I'm glad your reading inspired you. What was it that you read?

  7. The Discovery of Freedom was very inspiring, but often it's just a blog post, news item, or comment I run across somewhere. Something that makes me see "things" in a different light, or inspires me to do something differently myself.
