Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random thoughts

Sometimes I get a stack of random thoughts that I decide to share.  Maybe I will eventually expand on them; maybe nothing more is necessary.  Here they are in no particular order:


One thing that has been kind of fun for me has been watching some of the people I met when I first got on the internet become "kinda a big deal" in the years since then.  And, I've only been online for 12 years.  I can only imagine what those who were around at the beginning have seen.


I suspect the near future belongs to the copsuckers.  I hope not for too long.  But there are a majority of people who have a religious devotion and need to believe in the goodness of The State.  Even when they hate what it does, they believe if only "the right people" are in charge, things would be fine.  This will keep leading to "wacky fun", until the piper demands to be paid.


Not one new law is ever needed for any problem.  Never.  I have observed problem after problem, and I can see how to solve most of them without adding one "law"; they are are almost universally created by "laws" in the first place- and those that can't be solved by getting rid of "laws" probably are just a fact of life that can't be solved- yet.


Someone, somewhere, isn't going to like what you say, unless you utter completely empty words (in which case, thinking people still won't like what you say- but they are so rare you may never notice).  So, since that's the case anyway I would prefer to receive hate mail from those who excuse murder, theft, coercion, kidnapping, and other evil acts- as long as they are done by The State.  You are known by those who decide to be your enemy.


It's time to stop focusing on "laws" further violating the right to own and to carry arms.  Let's take it back to the root.  I'm against the machine gun, silencer, and sawed-off shotgun "bans".


In the name of "civilizing" a place, statists adopt the least civilized notions: "Gun control" and loss of property rights.


"Dominate the market" is not the same as a monopoly.  You can dominate the market by providing what customers want, and leaving no room for competition, but the instant someone has a better idea he is free to entice your customers away from you.  A monopoly can only be maintained with The State and its "laws".  In a free society there can be no monopoly because nothing can prevent some guy setting up shop in his garage to end the monopoly.  That is no guarantee the "established" guy won't continue to dominate the market, though.


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