Saturday, December 15, 2012

The State versus the 2nd Amendment

Have you ever noticed that people arrested on gun charges are not allowed to argue their innocence based upon the Second Amendment?  In other words, they are not allowed to use the fact that the Second Amendment makes all gun "laws" illegal as part of their defense.

Why might that be?

The reason is very simple: The State knows they'd lose. They realize they don't have a leg to stand on.

Given the "authority" to rule you, a werewolf wouldn't allow you to use a silver bullet, either.  A vampire would forbid garlic, sunlight, crosses, and wooden stakes.  A rapist would never permit you to use a gun to fend him off, and the US government will never allow one of its victims to point out that the Constitution makes it a serious crime to advocate, pass, or enforce ANY anti-gun "law", no matter how "trivial".

Shall NOT be infringed!

So, when forbidden- by your attacker- to use the one tool that could kill him in one simple stroke, what do you do?  You certainly don't claim that this makes him right.  You point out that this is because he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is dead wrong.  He knows he is the bad guy, and he can't win unless he rigs the "game".

All legitimacy is lost.

(Ironically today, December 15th, is Bill of Rights Day.)


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