Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Border patrol waste of taxes

Border patrol waste of taxes (as is everything else government does... and since "taxation" is theft...)

(My Clovis News Journal column for March 16, 2012)

I am not a believer in immigration "laws" or national borders. I know that's a seriously radical admission, especially in these "border states". Even more, I resent the Border Patrol vehicles I sometimes see around the area. They are not "keeping me safe", but are instead wasting tax money and bolstering the emerging US police state.

The only real borders are private property lines. If you own property and choose to forbid anyone access to it, for any reason, that is your business. But for you to own property and have someone else, or some government, tell you that you can't allow access to whomever you so choose is a violation of your property rights.

I don't care where someone was born or what paperwork and/or permission he has (or lacks). I only care whether he is stealing or attacking. Because of that, I have less in common with politicians, bureaucrats, and enforcers than I do some poor guy from another country who is only trying to find a better life for himself and his family. I recognize who the real problem is.

I've heard all the admonitions about how migration without government permission is wrong because it's illegal. I don't buy it. I've listened to all the ways the independent migrants, usually called "illegal immigrants", supposedly hurt America. The reality is that most of those issues are issues only because of socialism. Eliminate all welfare and eliminate all "laws" against self defense (including, of course, defense of your property) and you would eliminate the incentive for bad guys to immigrate. The good migrants who are coming here in order to help themselves honestly, and who end up helping the local economy as a consequence, will still come. It's a win-win situation.

Just like gun laws only disarm those who are not inclined to attack and rob, immigration laws make "legal" migration difficult and only succeed in weeding out the good people who would be willing to jump through all the ridiculous hoops and years of red tape, but for whatever reason, can't. A lot of good people come to the conclusion that it is worth the risk of getting caught to make the attempt even without permission. I accept them with a hearty "Welcome home!". Those determined to be bad guys will not be deterred by your prohibitions. They will always find a way- at least until the US government's socialist policies crash the economy and make America a less attractive destination, as is already happening.



  1. I really enjoy reading your articles.

    I always feel sick when I see a border patrol driving far from the border probably doing ID checks... I’m with you on a lot of stuff, 100% in a perfect world where people would follow rules without enforcement. I agree gun laws and immigration laws only punish people that follow laws, and that socialism is the only reason people break immigration laws.

    Although, I think borders are important for sovereignty and trade. If we didn't have borders it would be difficult to define where people would have to follow Mexican laws ad where they would have to follow US laws. And governance is different based on region.

  2. I agree with you in principle.

    Where I differ is that statutory "laws" that violate Natural Law are always wrong, no matter where you live or which government claims you as its property.

    Plus, I don't consent to being "governed" other than by Natural Law.

    It is wrong to steal and attack, and it is not wrong to engage in mutually-consensual interactions, no matter what the local or national "law" says.

    And, there should (and really, eventually MUST) be a separation of business and State if the economy is to continue to be viable. No government has any legitimate authority to control (or prevent) trade. Ever.
