Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pleasure haters

I saw a quote in an issue of Reason Magazine that just kept coming back to my mind. It was in reference to Prohibition (both the old one and the current one):

"The eternal temptation to ban things that give people pleasure"

I think it could also be expressed as "The eternal temptation to get pleasure from preventing the pleasure of others".

Either way, there are an awful lot of awful people who seem determined to try to make sure no one is having any fun. That's fine if they stick to being annoying pains in the rear. Unfortunately, the illegitimate institution of The State gives these perverts a way to exert power over others. What a messed up shame.



  1. "Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." -- HL Mencken

  2. "The eternal temptation to get pleasure from preventing the pleasure of others".

    Saw this yesterday and damn if it ain't the truth.
