Thursday, August 04, 2011

So full of FAIL...

Sometimes I read a blog that is just so full of fail I don't have the energy to keep pursuing it. I'm not sure yet if this is one of those times or not...

I've learned so much recently about the Somali customary law that things like this really grate on me. (Thanks, MS. ;) )

Then when they talk about other things they don't understand on top of that, well, the task becomes gargantuan. Plus, if all they pride themselves on is "snark", then I understand they aren't serious to begin with and further commentary is pointless.



  1. I wonder if the guy realizes that, in light of recent events,since he mentioned "Norway" and "Tyranny" in the same sentence he's probably being investigated by a half dozen government agencies.

    Clearly some people do wake up in Norway and see themselves living in a "grey tyranny". But of course, they are simply insane. Which is exactly what Stalin said of people who misunderstood his delightful society-quite a coincidence.

    I also marvel at how 14th century France, supposedly without 'effective" central government managed to both stifle a "free market" and muster men and materials to engage in a fun-fest with the English known as the "hundred years war".

  2. Oh, but he doesn't want examples from "ancient history".

    I have a perfectly good libertarian society right here. It is small, and immersed in a fascist society, but I am NOT a part of that fascist society. And, my libertarian society is growing.

  3. Where is it, Kent? Can we come and live there?
    We are in Mexico now, which is quasi libertarian, in that the govt is weak and incompetent; and if you are careful and discrete, you can do almost anything you want.

  4. Anonymous- If you feel that your area is "quasi-libertarian", why relocate?

    There will never be a "libertarian state", and if you are living by the ZAP you already have a libertarian society. Help it grow right where you are. Of course, if you'd like to move near me and add to the small neighborhood "pocket of libertarians" we have here, you are welcome to do so. A simple search on my name should show the town I live in. Just be warned: the local government is not libertarian (once again; an oxymoron), and we all know how bad the US government has become. There will always be bad guys, freelance or "official", trying to attack you and steal your property. If you can't be free until the last thug is dead you will never be free.

  5. Hi Kent,

    "further commentary is pointless"

    Yep. My exchanges with birdbrain were just as pointless. He actually believes that we're in a depression because the government isn't printing enough money.

    "I do not object to being denounced, but I can't abide being school-mastered, especially by men I regard as imbeciles."

    H. L. Mencken

    I couldn't help but think of this Mencken quote every time I had a "discussion" with BadBux. All I got was snark and insults, and I see that hasn't changed.


  6. I'm interested in hearing more about Somali customary law.

    I understand it has a lot in common with English common law, which was, originally, firmly private.

  7. The book I'm currently reading is "The Law of the Somalis" by Michael van Notten. It even discusses English common law a bit.

  8. Strictly speaking, the English Common Law that is often cited as the root of the modern British and American legal systems is NOT at all private-it was a construct of William the Conqueror and William Rufus which sought to bring geographical conformity(and therefore control)to the "chaotic"(but functional)system of restitution that the Britons and Saxons employed prior to the Conquest.

    Easiest way to tell the difference, in the customary system(in England or Somalia) when there is a trial the opposing parties each have an acknowledged legitimate recourse to force to resolve the dispute-the judge acts as mediator-justice is complicated, slow, and anything but arbitrary.

    Somali customary law resembles this, pre-conquest(though that is itself a complex question)system of local, informal, justice. In both cases though, it is best to never stand alone.

    Under "Common Law", at a trial the only person in the room authorized to use(or order the use of) force is the magistrate selected by the government. Justice is quick, simple, predictable, and totally arbitrary.

    Which do you prefer?
