Monday, July 18, 2011

Kids and Cops

I spend a lot of time just sitting and observing while my daughter plays with other kids. These are never kids we know, but just kids who happen to be wherever we happen to be.

I have noticed something interesting, and even hopeful. The majority of the kids view cops as the bad guys. I have never seen any kids playing "cops and robbers"; rather they just play until the bully of the group says "I'm a cop!" and starts attacking the other kids. I have told my daughter she doesn't have to accept this kind of behavior.

I have also heard what the kids say if a cop car drives past, and none of it is positive. Lest you think I contribute to this in any way, I assure you I don't say a word.

There is a change in perception occurring in this country and LEOs have no one to blame but themselves and their own out-of-control abusive (and frequently murderous) behavior. Even kids are catching on to the reality.



  1. Children's minds are free from the start, and relatively untainted while they are still young.

    Children are able to see things as is, when many adults want to rationalize their enslavement.

    It is universally and fundamentally wrong to steal, coerce, assault, kidnap, etc. This knowledge is natural, inalienable.

    When untainted minds associate such behavior with a uniform, they naturally dislike cops...While an adult will rationalize how they need to be forced into everything.

    If society is to be corrected, it will be through nurturing young untainted naturally free minds.

    Everything is trans-generational.

    Youth is King

  2. having been physically assaulted by police officers in the past, good to know the paradigm shift is on.

    my only worry is that, as they grow, they get sucked in to the same b.s. most folks get sucked into.

  3. Some will. But since I don't think cops are going to start behaving better any time soon (I expect the opposite, actually), I don't think it will be as many as in recent history. I just remember how it was when I was a kid and I see a huge difference now when I listen to these kids.

  4. I've noticed anti-cop sentiment growing on sites that previously had been pretty cop-friendly (e.g. gun forums). Nowadays everyone seems to be dumping on them, and getting tired of their bullshit. TSA in particular gets universally panned.
