Saturday, June 19, 2010

Call to action in defense of liberty

Call to action in defense of liberty

I ran across a comment on a blog that shows the narrowness, or complete lack, of thought that goes into the statist religion. It is as though they wear blinders and refuse to really think about what they write. It is scary that some people apparently really believe there is not any way to "provide" certain things without coercion, force, and murder. It isn't true, of course. However, as I have pointed out before, this is "what we are up against".

I have submitted my comment there, but as it contains several links it is languishing in "Moderationland" at the time I write this.

I ask that you read the comment and put in your two-cents' worth (adjusted for FRN-devalued "dollars"; maybe you could contribute more value than that).

I felt this was important enough to post even without my obligatory Albuquerque content. Really, it is important that sensible people respond to things of this sort as quickly as possible, before the virus spreads to unsuspecting minds. More zombies- not what we need.

1 comment:

  1. That propagandistic and inaccurate rubbish has been making the rounds for a while now. (I think I originally saw it on HuffPo.) Either statists are uncreative, or they're having a hard time coming up with more reasons. I note, however, that some of the arguments have changed a bit as they were relayed.

    It all rests on these presumptions: government gets its money from some source other than taxpayers; government does everything listed, not private subcontractors; that all the things listed are actually being done by government.

    Original author does not appear to understand the fundamentals of the government which he allegedly defends. (It is not a democracy, nor is it the wellspring of liberties.) Sometimes there's too much shit to make into fertilizer. As a public service, I've reduced the entire post to only factual information:


    I trust original author will make the necessary improvements.
