Sunday, August 16, 2009

Punishing accidents for fun and profit

Punishing accidents for fun and profit

In almost any vehicle accident, the state imposes a "fine" which is just another way to say that the state uses the accident as an excuse to steal more money. In an accident where damage was done to the property of another I can see a need for restitution, I can even see a point in paying for (illegitimately) state-owned infrastructure that was damaged in an accident, but often the only property damage is to the property of the person in the accident. The state works tirelessly to come up with some "offense", such as "distracted driving" or non-use of seat belts, that can be exploited for money. Even in the case of a private individual's property being damaged, the "fine" doesn't go to him to pay for his damages, but to the state's treasury. If any restitution is paid, it is paid by insurance. The "fine" has nothing to do with it. No matter, "fines" must be imposed to teach a lesson.

I'm sure the state justifies this theft by claiming the money will help pay for enforcers and judges, and for running the criminal universities (absurdly called "correctional facilities"). The truth is none of these things make society any "safer", freer, or better, but only strengthen the state. These things are all a part of the problem, not part of the solution.

This is also the case in many accidents, involving a vehicle or not, where an innocent person is killed or injured. Justice for the victim is measured, by the state, by whether someone can be punished for it. In the instance of a family member of the "guilty" party being the victim, isn't that punishment enough? How does the added punishment by the corrupt state make things any better? To demand state-imposed punishment for every unfortunate accident is perverted and wrong. Those who hunger for blood in these cases deserve to have the tables turned.

There is no clearer illustration that government is not there to "help" anyone but themselves.


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