Sunday, July 26, 2009

Disappearing freedoms are being noticed by more people

Disappearing freedoms are being noticed by more people

More and more people are realizing that their freedoms are being taken away by government at all levels, and more and more people are starting to do something about it. Some of the actions are a little misguided; some are a bit random. The fact that these things are being done at all proves there is a growing unrest. It would be nice if this unrest began to coalesce into a real change.

On one hand there are the grumpy "conservatives" who have no problem with coercive government as long as it is their side wielding the coercion. That Obama was coronated instead of their zombie sticks in their craw like a block of chalk. This is what I see in a lot of the TEA party activists. I would like to be mistaken about this, but even the acronym TEA ("Taxed Enough Already") seems to indicate a willingness to have some amount stolen from themselves and others. That is just wrong. If you wish to hand over your own money to the state, go right ahead. If you wish to force others to do the same you are advocating theft.

Then there are those who are only concerned about their particular "pursuit of happiness" being regulated away by government. They are fine with "laws" that harm others as long as they are left alone. Unfortunately, many gun owners fall into this category. There are some shining exceptions, however. There are plenty of examples from the other side of the authoritarian end of the stick as well.

A majority of people don't consider the stupidity of having a standing army occupying our cities, towns, and countryside until one of their friends is the target of a power-crazed abuser. This may be changing. More people are beginning to awaken to the fact that the policeman is NOT your friend. Ever. The evidence is overwhelming and shocking. Cops are the new "stranger with candy", and much more of a real threat than your mom's mostly-imaginary boogeyman ever was, since almost every incident is "justified" or found to be "within department guidelines". Not a smart policy at all, but their conscious choice.

Even as the number of aware people grows, so does the devotion and fervor of the worst state worshipers. Many statists just can't imagine that anyone would really not buy into their "safety net" metaphor. Ask the fish how "safe" that net really is. These statists fear freedom more than anything else, and will do anything to crush it while preaching that tyranny is "freedom". Maybe their delusional numbers are shrinking even as government grows bigger and more intrusive. Time will tell.

In the meantime, many are through backing up!


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