Sunday, April 19, 2009

Getting through The Great Recession

Getting through The Great Recession

While most of the mainstream media blame the "free market" or "deregulation" for this recession, libertarians realize this is like blaming sasquatch for killing your chickens. You can't blame something that hasn't been around.

This recession, which will probably become a depression before it ends, because of government insistence on "doing something", was caused by socialism. More socialism won't fix it. The economic quacks are bleeding the patient dry and calling it a "cure". But what does it mean for you?

This trying time holds great danger and great opportunity. Do you have silver? Gold? Trade goods which people are likely to run short of and be willing to trade for? You should. As Claire Wolfe has advised in her book "The Freedom Outlaw's Handbook" (page 78), stock up now on those things that people are addicted to: caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, chocolate. Whatever it is make certain to break your personal addictions now while the risk is slight. Being stocked up does no good if you must raid your own stores. Stock up on essentials, too. US dollars or dried beans.... which of these things will still be worth something when the dollar is about as useful as a treaty inflicted by the US Government on the indigenous people of North America? Prepare for difficult times so that they will not be as difficult.

Are you still putting "money" in the bank and investing it? Remember the old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? When that basket is knocked from your hands, what will you have? If you still want to trust traditional banks and investments, don't be foolish enough to rely on them too heavily. Diversify and add some trade goods to the mix so that a disaster to one contingency will not wipe you out.

When the inevitable collapse occurs, you must remember to refuse FRNs in spite of your training and habits. Only accept real money of real value, or trade items that you can use or that you think others will want. Get in the habit of accepting alternative payments now before it is a necessity.

As society moves away from the free market, smart people will embrace the free market more completely, even if it means a move into the "gray" and "black" markets. Just remember to hide your assets, protect your customers, and deliver what you promise. It's just smart.

Happy Patriots' Day: "4-19"

Today is Patriots' Day. Celebrate it by doing something truly patriotic; like honoring America's heritage of liberty by ignoring the occupying government which is strangling this society. Remember that most patriotic activities are heavily regulated or criminalized now, so be warned. Activities like getting your militia-appropriate weaponry out and conducting some practice are frowned upon, or worse, by the "authorities" in many areas.

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