Saturday, March 07, 2009

Ruled by Emotions

It seems as if most people are ruled by their emotions. Whenever there is some "crime", everyone is out for blood, regardless if the accused actually did it or not, and regardless of whether the "crime" harmed any people or not.

One BIG point of evidence for this is that when I read of a "drug bust" on the local newspaper's website, a majority of the comments are cheering the bust, never even considering the truth behind the evil and stupid War on some Drugs. Never even considering if the arrestees are actually guilty of doing what the state says they did. Just celebrating their downfall.

It is also the same if someone is arrested on "child pornography" charges. It doesn't matter to them if the charges are true or not in the slightest degree. Or if a real attack occurred. Remember that cartoons; fictional, non-existent characters, who have no real "age" at all and therefore can't be "minors" no matter how they were drawn to appear, involved in imaginary acts that never occurred, can qualify as "child pornography" if the state decides it does (which it always will), and can be used by the state to destroy lives. Yet those who are ruled by emotion jeer and say they hope the accused suffers the most hideous assaults while kidnapped by the state.

It's as bad as the gun owners who say that gun owners like Wayne Fincher and David Olofson "got what they deserved" when they were arrested for having "illegal" machine guns, even though neither of them ever harmed or threatened anyone in any way. No government has the authority to regulate guns in any way, with or without the Second Amendment. Yet, emotions say to rip apart the victims while they are down; like a pack of wolves would do. It really makes me sick.

Stop acting out of emotion. Think. Reason. Grow up.



  1. Well stated,Kent...Unfortunately
    emotions tend to over-power the facts in all social debates today...

  2. Hit a PET PEAVE of mine! We live in an increasingly non-thinking world.

  3. Kent:

    We, well, most of us, myself included, have been passed through the bowels and colon of the government school system... I mean public school system. As such, we have been "socialized" in a manner that discourages actual thinking, and encourages conformity and emotional responses. I would guess that it is easier to control someone via their emotions, and people actually *thinking* prevents such emotional control.

    Then again, maybe I'm a total nutcase... now, where's my aluminum foil propeller beanie...?

  4. So, how do some of us escape the indoctrination?

  5. Kent, you ask a good question-how indeed? I know for myself the root is reading-and it is something that the school did not teach-my Mom did, with utter disgust and frustration with the system. That little episode made an impression, as did reading everything I could get my hands on.

    Somewhere I got the seditious idea(I think from Tolkien) that it was a good thing to ask questions-a sure path into rapscallion-hood.

    It is more than family, however, since my brother buys every hook, line, sinker, and recruiter that pop-culture and the state toss at him. Must be something else.

    Perhaps it's simply that no system is totally pure-and we represent "impurity". The slag to be skimmed from the alloy. I'm proud of being dross, you?

    Though it could just be some sort of they have a pill for it soon.

  6. I was thinking it is probably considered a form of mental illness. In fact, as I seem to recall, that was stated by some (probably government-funded) psychologist a couple of years ago. Surrounded (and judged) by the insane, the reasonable person is deemed crazy.

  7. Well, there's your problem, right there! You are 'thinking' impolite! Better to tell us how you 'feel' about it...

  8. I, too, went to prison as a kid.

    I was lucky - I realized I was far smarter than my teachers. Their continuing mistakes and misinformation made me recognize that their authority was not based on being a 'superior' person or wise - but by sure fear and force.

  9. But I didn't learn to spell or preview before posting.... :)

    sure = shere
