Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Help Out an Ally

Following David Codrea's excellent Gun Rights Examiner column every day (just as you do, don't you?) led me to the Libertarian Examiner.

This guy needs some support from freedom lovers. It seems he gets buried under an avalanche of hatred from tyranny deniers with very little help from people dedicated to liberty. So, if you have the inclination and the time, lend a hand and help the voice of reason rise above the noise.


  1. I think your particular talents might be well-spent in this arena. Especially with "Frank".

  2. My big 'right' fist, non-violently...you mean? ;)

    Thanks, Kent, for being a point and vanguard of liberty. I am amazed to find such a like-mind.

    I've never met you, but I can see 'a friend'.

    Thanks again for your blog.

  3. Kent-
    Thanks for the support! I'm glad to know there are other clear thinkers out there willing to fact down the tyrants.

  4. *face* down the tyrants, that is..

  5. You are very welcome. I wish I could direct even more people to your column.

  6. Visited, bookmarked him, and will check in occasionally. Thanks for the heads-up.
