Sunday, December 28, 2008

"Well, That's Different"

The government's "War on (some) Drugs" depends upon ignorance in order to retain popular support among the population. Unfortunately for rationality, ignorance is rampant.

As an illustration: Someone I know recently handed some prescription medications to another person who was in pain. I pointed out that, by DEA standards, the act made both people "drug criminals" and made the "supplier" (who, by the way, supports the stupid and evil "War on Drugs") hypocritical. The "supplier" said "Well, I think this is different." I said "That's why it is hypocritical."

I just wonder how many other things are "different" to the state-hypnotized mind.


1 comment:

  1. I had a similar situation over the holidays as well.

    After ranting about how high taxes were, incompetent government employees - she announced that some government program was going to pay for renovations of her office.

    She said "She'd be stupid not to take the free money - " and "we don't have to pay for anything".

    I held my tongue - but it was bizarre - she's right - she didn't pay for it - she agreed to seize a piece of the stolen loot to pay for her office.

    She saw no contradictions.
