Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Crystal Ball

I write these blog posts ahead of time. Usually a week or so ahead. I could be dead a week before anyone would notice. My blog would go on without me, until the pre-written posts run out, anyway.

That's not the point, though. What amazes me is how many times I start to write about something, and then before it posts, that subject pops up in the news or in my life. It happens over and over again.

Now, if only I could harness this "power"....



  1. A synchronicity engine! Powered by Kent's brain! Where can I invest? :)

    Typealyzer calls me an ENTJ.

  2. Typealyzer said I was INTJ, but with zero "feeling"! I have taken different tests to find my "type" before, but never get clear results because I honestly have difficulty answering the questions. I used to try to take those to see what kind of career I should find. I have given up on that now.
