Friday, August 01, 2008

The War on Free Speech (and Guns)

David Codrea's blog, "The War on Guns", is one of my favorites. Unfortunately Google/Blogspot has decided it is spam. He is blocked from posting until or unless they decide to allow him to continue posting again. It is their right to block him if they choose, but their decision is based upon a lie, false information, or an agenda of blocking speech they don't like. That is wrong.

If they don't unblock him, I will try to move my blog to another host. Maybe if I can figure out how to put it on, that would be my best choice, but I would probably lose all the comments.



  1. Same thing just happened to FSK, but he got it sorted:

  2. I am a Wordpress, maybe you should try it out.

  3. I'm experimenting with a blog attached to KentForLiberty. I imported the content, but I wish there were a way to change thier banners, and backgrounds, and import my pics. I also would like to make it have a simple url.
