Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Solution to "Government"

I am becoming convinced that the solution to the problem of "government" is to just get over the delusion that it is necessary. It's not, even if you can't currently imagine life without it. For every argument for government, several alternatives present themselves if you spend a little time thinking outside the carefully constructed, mirrored, box.

Those government indoctrination centers that we are encouraged to call "public schools" cripple our critical thinking skills where government is concerned. I'm sure that isn't accidental.

I'd love the chance to see what one month of absolutely zero government at any level would bring. You can bet that the former Rulers would try their hardest to monkeywrench the experiment. That might present some wonderful opportunities for ridding ourselves of that type of destructive parasite altogether. Would you allow your glorious anarchistic liberty to degenerate into chaos? Me neither.

Together we could teach the truly aggressive individuals that they had better shape up or be darwinized. Then, even if by some tragedy government came back, society would still be better for lack of bad guys. I wonder if any cops would survive the vacation from tyranny. A few might be able to behave themselves for a month.



  1. Unfortunately, suddenly taking away the State for one week would be worse. It would be like taking away the crutches from a crippled man. Right now society's legs have been broken (we have no self-rule, we cannot defend ourselves, we have delegated all responsibility) and we are hobbling on the crutches of the State.

  2. I'd rather endure the pain of ripping off the bandage than to never try.

  3. The problem is that it would not rid us of the State. People would just use the ensuing chaos as proof that we need a bigger, stronger State that will not be destroyed as easily.

  4. Would you ever be interested in hosting an edition of the Market Anarchist blog carnival?

  5. You don't really need to do that much. You can just copy/paste the code from the BlogCarnival site, add your own pithy comments to each entry, and delete those entries that are not relevant to the subject.

  6. I always manage to screw something up when I volunteer for things of this sort. That's why I usually avoid such entanglements. If I screw up my own blog, there is no loss. If I screw up other people's stuff, then I feel bad and make people upset.

  7. Don't worry about it. It's no biggie. Thanks anyway.
