Saturday, June 14, 2008

"The Museum of Government": Exhibit Ten

"Now that the government has evaporated in this region, 'America', more or less, we have an interesting immigration situation. But first, the historical perspective.

"Back when the old US government was ruling this region, borders and immigration were big points of contention. The borders gave government agents a great excuse to 'earn' extra bonuses and exercise their inflated authority. Too few people recognized that a wall keeps you in as effectively as it keeps 'them' out. Or even more effectively. The state kept demanding more and more documentation of Americans, using the dreaded 'illegal immigrants' as the boogeyman. The true migrant aggressors never were worried about documentation. So, once again, the 'government solution' only harmed those who were not part of the problem. You see the same pattern emerge time and again.

"Only one side of the issue was given much attention: the aggression (usually called 'crime' back in the Era of Government) caused by independent migrants. The other side; the positive benefits, were ignored or downplayed. As is always the case, the migrants were 'taking over', costing 'us' millions, speaking some other 'unAmerican language', or had 'different values'. A hundred years before they would have been accused of cannibalism.

"The government was assumed to own all the land within 'its' borders, otherwise there would not have been an issue. That was the only justification, faulty though it was, for not allowing property owners to administer the use of their own property.

"Now that America has no government, and the governments of some nearby countries are entering their death throes, the border situation has become a bit cloudy. People come here; people leave here. Only the governments worry about it. Many Americans earn a profit ensuring safe passage into and out of free territory. That enrages those nearby governments, but they are too busy trying not to evaporate to do much about it. And each new freedom-loving friend who moves here is one more 'for our side'.

"Since there is no more welfare of any kind, no one moves to America to get free anything, except for opportunity. Since self-defense has become standard practice again, aggressors stay where they are safe: under the wings of government. So many new businesses are started by these 'liberty-migrants' that there is no way to compare the economy before and after. A 'singularity' has been achieved. Businesses compete for any new employee they can get. The pay for those workers has also skyrocketed, and with no more state to tax or extort, they keep that money and then often start more new businesses. You see why I say a 'singularity' occurred.

"As news of free territory leaks back to those other countries, still languishing under government, more people choose to stay and change their own land than choose to move here. Love for 'home' is strong. Liberty is a wildfire sweeping across the face of the planet. I can't predict with certainty, of course, but based on past experience, I would say government as an acceptable human activity is in its last decade. It will die everywhere as it did here, and not a moment too soon."



  1. Hi, been reading your blog since the website Dlisted had you on it. Been wondering how the move to Texas went for you guys.We live in Tennessee on about 14 acres after moving from crazy South Florida last year. Love to read your blog and figured I should come out of lurking around here and introduce us. We have 4 kids, Sage who is 17, Kailey who is 12, Steele who is 3 and one due in 2 weeks named Ainsley. So I guess i'm in the nesting mode and want to know how its going for you guys moving. I alternately hate moving and love it. Thought you might like to hear from a lurker once in a while. Have no blog so I left all my info in this message. From Suzanne Robinson

  2. Hi Suzanne,
    Yes, it is good to hear from a lurker.
    The move went well, but I have been working my tail off helping my parents get some things done around here.
    I feel the same way about moving that you do. It is exiting, but a lot of stress and work.
    We are going to be going on an actual vacation beginning Monday, so I am trying to pre-write some blogs to keep things going if my internet access is nonexistant.
    My 9 1/2 month-old daughter's middle name is Sage!
    Good luck with the impending birth and let me know how it goes.
    Thanks again for writing.

  3. I did forget that you have me as one of your friends on your myspace. My name title is mom of 3 soon to be 4 I have a pic up of my son staring at the t.v. from the couch like they might remove the t.v. any minute from him, with a puppy sleeping next to him. Poor kid, with me out of commission now he's gotten into a relationship with the t.v. On my friends list you can see my other kids myspaces too, Sage's is spelled Saige because one of her spanish teachers told her this would be her name in spanish and she thought it was pretty funny. She's gay and her girlfriends name is Emily which I think you would find amusing!We call her the Divine Miss M, which is her sites name. I know what you mean being worked to death by chores from your parents, my mom lives in South Florida and she did that to my husband all the time. Thought it would be different living far away but this farm has worked us to absolute death anyway. Now I know why people dropped dead at 30 years old in the old days!We are in the midst of building a room for the new baby, well he is, i'm the nasty sub-contractor! Just doing that and neglecting the land for a few weeks has put us months of work under here. We live 45 minutes from Gatlinburg in the mountains. Weve got deer, wild turkeys and all kinds of wildlife all over the place. Love it! If you want to see pics of our land and house Sage has them on her myspace in the Rutledge album. Have an awesome vacation and try to unwind. Wish it were me!! Suzanne
