Saturday, May 10, 2008

Blank Slates Again

When I have expressed my opinion that humans are born as "blank slates"; that such things as "gods and governments" are then scribbled onto their minds, I usually get one of two responses. Those who agree with me, or who disagree with me, on both counts don't usually say anything.

Those who cling to statism will often say they agree that atheism is probably the default setting for religion, but that humans "obviously need government, otherwise why do they always set one up?".

Those who cling to magical thinking will often agree that statism must be indoctrinated into children, but that "people need God, otherwise they wouldn't have such a driving need to learn about Him."

These responses make me believe I am on the right track. Those who are heavily invested in a particular notion look for any reason to defend it, but others, who are more able to look at the situation rationally, see the truth.


  1. I disagree with you that humans are born as a blank slate: this is a discredited ideology which is disproven by Neo-Darwinism and evolutionary psychology. As it turns out, we have PLENTY of mental biases and values that are attributable to human nature itself.

    However, that does not mean that they include statism or religion as such. Our idea of statism and religion are far too complex to be reflected in human nature, and it's obvious that no one would *naturally* leap to their conclusions. It can be argued with a lot of evidence that the religious impulse is natural, and that dominance/submission based societies are natural, but that's about as far as one could get.

  2. Kent...Your case that we are "blank
    slates" at birth does have some
    truth behind it...But the mental
    conditioning by our parents starts
    almost immediately...We become
    products of our own environment
    until the time in our lives when we decide to accept or question
    what has been taught to us...All of us choose a "religion" sooner
    or later...It can be Secularism,
    Statism,Darwinism or any other
    philosophy that we find to be
    "convenient" for the life-style
    that we have chosen to accept...
    Christianity scares the ignorant
    among us because it clearly draws
    a line between "good and "evil"...
    There have been those (like myself)
    who have found the "truth" and
    decided to follow the "one true
    God"...Then there are those who
    find it much "easier" to follow
    any one of the "little gods" out
    there...Authoritarianism can fall
    into this particular category...
    Even some Christians have made the
    fatal mistake of also "worshipping
    the state" because they have mis-
    understood Biblical teachings...
    I can't help what other people do
    and I can only speak for myself
    here: I am a firm believer in the
    "Ten Commandments" and the "Bill
    of Rights"...I am an "anarchist"
    because there is no such thing as
    a "government" the glorifies God!
    These are the choices I made long
    ago and it's a "system" that has
    worked for me...I may have been
    born a "blank slate",but the words
    that have been written on that
    surface ever since speak of only
    "truth" and "freedom"...

  3. Christianity is an authoritarian lie, get on with it already!

  4. Francois...The sewer lines of the
    world are over-flowing with your
    type of "rational/intellectual"
    thought...The REAL "authoritarian
    lie" is the one that you are
    living yourself...Lord,spare me
    from hearing another cliche from
    a self-proclaimed expert on the
    human race!

  5. If you're so high and mighty, can you tell me, what authoritarian lie am I living?

  6. Francois...I suspect from your
    verbal attacks on my "religion"
    and your misguided "high and
    mighty" assumpions that you are
    likely living the "lie" of
    "secular humanism" or a similar
    atheist philosophy...Whatever the
    case,you have already made up your
    mind about everything and made your
    choices a long time ago...Respect-
    ing our differences in a forum
    discussion is key here...If you
    are itching for a fight about my
    beliefs,you are going to be very
    disappointed...Bumping heads will
    get neither of us anywhere...I've
    "bumped" with the best of your
    kind,so I would advise you to not
    "wake the sleeping giant"...Also
    this is not the place to get into
    a debate that has little to do
    with Kent's "blank slate" subject!
    You have already made your "case"
    in your very first comment...I have made mine...It's time to move
    on...Think of me any way that you
    wish...I have NEVER cared about
    anyone's opinion about my character
    and I'm not about to start now...

  7. I am not a humanist, and I don't want to "fight" you. All I am saying is that Christianity is an authoritarian lie. If you don't like it, tough: but stop preaching an authoritarian lie.

    Stay in the fucking closet like Jesus asked you to!

  8. My oh my,Francois...Such hostility!
    That hole you are digging yourself
    into is getting very deep now...

  9. Why are you so insistent that you must gloat all the time? Are you insecure?

  10. Francois...The intellectual
    honesty is fading fast in
    here...Good-night,my friend...
    Have fun digging...

  11. Tell me when you want to have an actual discussion and not just gloat over rand knows what. I have no idea what you're going on about.

  12. Francois...I have done a little
    investigating at your blog in
    order to find out exactly where
    you are coming from...I think I
    have a pretty good idea now...I
    have absolutely no time to listen
    to your "rational" thought and
    your ridiculous assumptions about
    my personality...It is like we
    are from two different planets
    and therefore everything will be
    lost in the translation...I have
    already warned you about the
    fruitless act of "bumping heads"...
    So,let's call it a draw and call
    it a night...Since you have "no
    idea what I'm going on about",this
    only proves my point about "getting
    nowhere" in this complicated
    discussion...To understand my
    "language" you must first believe
    in God and his Son,Jesus Christ...
    More than likely you won't do that
    and so the "translation" will
    continue to be "lost"...My job is
    to report the "Good News"...NOT to
    debate with "enlightened" people
    who dabble in anti-Christian

  13. I didn't mean to get an argument started. I have mentioned my beliefs before. I do believe people have instinctive "programming" for simple biases, and part of that may be a desire to follow a leader. Rulers are NOT leaders.

    As far as Christianity goes, I think it disproves itself in the very beginning of the Bible. IF you accept the Bible as accurate history. As the story goes, God told Adam and Eve they could eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden except for the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". They did and He punished them. The problem is, until they had eaten from that tree they could not have been expected to know that it was "bad" to disobey God. Now if they had eaten the fruit a second time and been punished for THAT time, it would have been reasonable.

  14. Kent...Assuming that we are on the
    "same page" here about the Bible
    being "accurate history",Satan was
    also a key player in this story...
    He tempted Eve to eat the for-
    bidden fruit...Eve in turn tempted
    Adam...When God talked to Adam
    about disobeying Him,Adam "passed
    the buck" to Eve...The rest,as they say,is "history"...The whole
    story of Mankind is all about
    playing the "blame game",Satanic
    temptation and rebelling against
    our Creator...Here we are in 2008
    and the same old story is still
    being followed by humans...All
    because God gave us FREE WILL...
    There will be those who will always
    "believe" and those who won't...
    "Judgement Day" is coming for
    EVERYONE someday (believe it or
    not!)...We'll see how much of a
    "lie" Christianity has been...
    Until that time,I'll still take
    the "Jesus Deal" and all of it's
    "bonuses" because I've got nothing
    else to lose...I'm sure you will
    agree that it's ALL about making
    a PERSONAL CHOICE...It seems that
    Francois,you and I have already
    made our "life's decision" long
    ago...So for now,let us agree to
    disagree and go in peace...

  15. What I am saying about Adam and Eve is that they were being punished for something that they could not have known was wrong until after the fact. Any other influence, from Satan or a little bird, was irrelevent.

    It is like going into a building that has a sign indicating it is a private business, and when you are deep inside, being told it is a top-secret government facility and you will need to go through metal detectors and security to get out, and the penalty for having a gun is death. There were no signs posted on the entrance and you could not have been expected to know, and being a reasonable person, you carry on a daily basis. It doesn't matter if there is a guy hanging out by the door giving you false information or not. The whole thing was a set-up from the start.

  16. The doctrine of the blank slate is also self-contradictory in its core nature, since a blank slate could have no ability to learn. If the blank slate had an ability to learn, it would not be a blank slate by definition.

  17. The bottom line here is that God
    told Adam and Eve NOT to eat the
    "forbidden fruit"...They in turn
    DISOBEYED God's order...Of course
    one MUST have to believe the
    Bible to accept my points...
    Anyone who has a problem with
    "authority" will rationalize the
    story to death,just to reach
    another excuse to rebel against
    God's form of authoritarianism...
    Rebels simply do not like to be
    ordered around by anyone...Being
    one myself,I should know! As far
    as this "blank slate" subject,I
    believe they CAN be taught (as
    I've said before in an earlier
    comment)...I will also add that
    "blank slates" DO have FREE WILL...
    Which is what this long-winded
    discussion REALLY boils down to:
    EVERY "comment" on this page is
    a case of somebody's "free will"
    to choose whatever they wish to
    believe...It is obvious that there
    are NO "blank slates" in this
    particular forum...Perhaps we
    are thinking a little too much
    about it all...Whether we were
    "blank slates" or not,we can't
    remember that far back anyway!
    So,in reality,does what we have
    forgotten REALLY matter now??
