Saturday, April 12, 2008

"A Vision of Liberty" by Jim Davies

For all of you interested in liberty, there is a new book "looking back" on the first three years of a truly free society from the year 2030. Jim Davies (of "The On Line Freedom Academy") has written A Vision of Liberty. It is a compact book; just over 100 pages long. Anyone can squeeze that into their schedule.

Which reminds me.... have you enrolled in TOLFA yet? Do it today, and help Jim's vision come to pass. Liberty is important enough to spend a little time on. Time today or bullets tomorrow. Choose wisely.



  1. How do you know that what he is "teaching" (or "unteaching") is correct?

    For all anyone really knows, the guy is starting his own cult. Seriously.

    I would never, ever assume that someone else is giving me all the right answers, or that they are even pointing me in the right direction. This is especially true for some random person on the internet. I simply don't trust anybody that much, nor should you.

  2. Because I went through his TOLFA several months ago. I weighed the entire thing against my "libertarian/anarchist" beliefs and there was nothing that struck me as "wrong".

    If he is "teaching" or "unteaching" things, they are the same things I would be teaching if I had such a calling.
    He is not asking for any money, nor asking for anyone to revere him as a leader. He asks for no "pledge of allegiance".

    If every person in America would go through TOLFA, we would be living in a much more free society very soon.

    Do it yourself, keeping your critical mind engaged, and see what you think.
