Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama: A Lapse of Logic, or Something Worse?

I heard an Obama ad on the radio today. The focus was on what Obama had done to punish "Big Oil" for the high price of gasoline. Among the socialistic hogwash mentioned, it was stated that Obama had worked to take away "Big Oil's" tax breaks. HE DID WHAT?!?!

Can anyone besides me see the enormous lapse in logic there? Or could it be even worse; a trial balloon to see if the American voters are completely brain-dead yet?

Where does this mental homunculus think the higher gasoline production costs will be recovered? I can guarantee you it will not come out of the CEO's pocket. Did Obama ever consider eliminating the government's extortion to lower the price of oil? If so, it wasn't mentioned. That would be unthinkable to most socialists of his -cough- "character".

If this is any indication of the total lack of thinking ability from Obama, well... start learning how to knap flint and tan bear skins.



  1. I'm not following your line of thought here, and I'm also not following your apparent outrage.

    Taking away tax breaks from big business is a good thing, because they should never have had those tax breaks in the first place. Those tax breaks are in place for one reason, and one reason only: to help the rich get richer.

    Therefore, I guess I should assume that you are support treating big business differently than small business? Or that you support cronyism? Or that you are in support of helping the rich get even richer on the backs of the average American taxpayer?

    Yes, ideally we would not have taxes. However, as long as we do have them, they should at least be fair, and the enormous tax breaks given to Big Oil is unfair to smaller businesses which try to compete with them.

    I believe you need to think this one through a lot better; on the bright side, at least I'm not rude enough to suggest you are "completely brain dead" just because you disagree with me.

  2. So, explain how making oil companies pay more taxes will reduce gasoline prices, since that was the implication of the advertisement.

  3. elfninosmom,
    Why not just extend the "tax breaks" to the small fry also?

    Ultimately those taxes come out of your pockets, assuming that you purchase those products. The big businesses of which you speak are not going to be paying taxes. They just add the tax onto the price that they charge you for the good or service.

    Corporate, and all business, taxes are just another stealth tax on the citizen. The reason for this is that taxes are nothing more than one part of the overhead which is figured into the price of the good or service.

  4. The way you should be viewing it, as a libertarian, is that the big oil companies are receiving tax breaks that no one else gets, and those tax breaks allow them to get filthy rich off the backs of the taxpayers while stopping smaller companies from competing with them. After all, the government isn't going to take in less money, it will just tax us more to make up for the difference. Those big oil tax breaks were bought with campaign contributions to their wealthy cronies in Congress (and in the White House), so they should never have gotten them in the first place.

    So of course they should not get those tax breaks, and if they raise gas prices ... well, that's the free market you say you want.

    The free market doesn't always work in the favor of the consumer, after all. Either we want a free market, where smaller companies can compete with Big Oil (something they cannot do now, due to the tax breaks) and thus force the lowering of prices, or we want the situation which the government has forced upon us. Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

  5. Taxation is wrong, so any tax break, for anyone, is a step in the right direction. The crime is not in giving the big oil companies the break, but in not giving the small companies the same break.
    Sometimes the free market might not work to benefit everyone in every situation, BUT, this is not the free market at work. It is "corporatism". Corporations could not exist without government favoritism and protectionism in the first place.
    I don't blame the companies for raising prices, after all, they must recover the money government takes from them in some way. I simply don't appreciate government adding to the cost of doing business and therefore raising my living expenses.
    The oil companies would not be getting "filthy rich" if there were only a small demand for their product. After all, they make very little profit on each barrel of oil, but when you multiply that by millions of gallons it adds up. There should be no limit on profit other than demand.
    I never advocate punishing someone else just to make life fair, but to remove the punishment from everyone to make life more fair.
