Monday, April 28, 2008

Am I Repeating Myself?

I wonder if I have begun to repeat myself too much on this blog. Am I saying anything new anymore? I can't usually remember if I have talked about a particular subject in just the same way previously. Not that it matters since I doubt many people search the old posts.
Anyway, it's just a question that is running through my mind.


  1. How is that a problem? No one has ever said anything original since the first caveman. We're just constantly repeating ourselves with new languages and concepts.

  2. Kent...Not to worry...With the
    short attention span of the
    sheeple out there,those of us
    with an important message to
    tell will always need to repeat

  3. Kent,

    I have only read your web page for a few weeks, so I can't answer your question (and no, I'm probably not going to go searching through the archives).

    But I did want to tell you that even if you repeat yourself, it'll be the first time reading it for someone out there. Also I really like your calm, reflective, questioning, but still persuasive and confident tone you write with. I think with the very definitive and absolute moral-political beliefs that most libertarians hold, we tend to get very peremptory and intolerant, quite condescending and noticeably angry sometimes, at the way the Statists have screwed up the world.

    Before I ever found your page via Francois Tremblay's, I tried to affect a more reflective and disappointed air in my writings about our Statist world, rather than angry and accusatory, because, one, I think it is more mature and respectful, but also because it is more effective at getting Statists to see things from our perspective and persuading them that libertarianism is right. Now with your fine example I'll try to keep that in mind even more often.

    But, it doesn't hurt to throw a little vitriol in my writings from time to time. :)
