Sunday, March 02, 2008

Labels, Again

Anarchist .... libertarian .... anarcho-capitalist ....

What do they all mean? Yes, I know you can look up definitions to see what someone, somewhere, thought they meant when they were writing the definition, but those definitions may not be what you really have in mind when you say the words. They seem too all fall short of the concepts. Yet, somehow we are trapped. If we make up new words they will also drift away from our original intent as soon as someone else uses them. You can't totally avoid using labels unless you are satisfied to use a paragraph (or a chapter) each time you try to relate the concept. It turns out, that is what I end up doing. A lot. Labels are a shortcut. I don't think they can be eliminated or completely avoided. I will simply try to be aware that you and I may not mean the same thing when we use the same words.


  1. I'm an ignostic panarchist!
    (and yes, these two words actually mean something)

  2. Actually, while I abhor labels, I do think there is something to be said for defining those particular terms once and for all. The libertarian movement is filled with people who call themselves an "anarchist" simply because they like the sound of it; others who like the sound of the term "anarcho-capitalist", etc.

    It would be so much better if we would have a basic understanding of someone's leanings based on the label they apply to themselves, and that way no one has to explain it over and over unless they are using it improperly.
