Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Do Not Attempt"

Does anyone else ever notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the screen during car commercials? You know, the one that says "Professional driver on a closed course - Do not attempt". The sad thing is that when the disclaimer sneaks in, about half the time , rather than leaping from rooftop to rooftop, the car is simply cruising down a straight road. If we really are not competent to attempt that, what is the point in having a car?

That is the mindset of the government. "We" are to be considered stupid, incompetent children who are not able to look out for ourselves. Our defense is to be left to the professionals (who often kill us by "mistake"); our health is subject to government oversight; our consciences don't work properly so we need government holding a gun to our head to make sure we do not run amok "burning and pillaging" one another.

Life does not yet come with a disclaimer: "Profession human in a controlled environment. Do not attempt". Celebrate that oversite by living without permission.


  1. Those disclaimers are put there by the car companies so they won't get successfully sued if some idiot tries stunt driving on a busy highway, and someone gets killed. The government has nothing to do with that.

  2. I wasn't blaming the gov for the disclaimers. Just pointing out that the gov doesn't trust us with our own lives any more than the car company's lawyers trust us going slowly down a straight road in our cars.

  3. Ha. In the immortal Old English word, f*** them. My wife and I just drove 700 miles in 6.25 hours in my BMW M5. Yes, it's built for it, and yes, I have been to two racing schools, and no, I did not feel unsafe.

    Our roads were designed for 75mph in the 50's; today's engineering permits much higher speeds in safety and comfort.

    Besides: if I caused harm, that's what tort law is for; it is not the government's place to prevent harm on some presumptively assumed authority.
