Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In the News

Here is an interesting mention of Kent McManigal in the Seattle Times, along with a longer examination of my campaign in a reporter's blog from the same paper. I'm glad they find me amusing, but I wish they would examine my stance a little more. Oh well. If I had to choose between being a boring authoritarian who "they" take seriously, or a slightly colorful libertarian who they would not take seriously no matter what I did, I'd choose the current situation.


  1. You're the clown prince of the 2008 elections! They should write you up on Something Awful, it would make a change from the constant libertarian and Ron Paul-bashing. Maybe they'd like you. But I doubt it.

  2. Something Awful has already discovered me a couple of times. They hate me about as bad as they hate Ron Paul.

  3. Wow, really? I've never seen anything about you, unless it was in the forums.

    They're all a bunch of posers, and it makes me laugh how much they hate anything or anyone that's sincere. I guess that's all part of growing up.

  4. Yes, it was in the forums. I blogged about it somewhere.

  5. There's no such thing as bad press, my friend. Strike while the iron is hot, and restart your campaign as a regular LP candidate. After all, we all know the LP candidate isn't going to win, but you could still win the LP nomination, which would give you a platform you would otherwise never have for your ideas.
